Are you the monke or pretty guy?
I’ll leave that for you to decide
Apes together strong?
You are a handsome monke
clothed monke in back. OP is spreading lemmy to the monkes. this one will don a suit shortly.
Was waiting until someone noticed the background monke 😂
Can we make this one of the only places on the internet not ape circlejerking?
no, monkeys and apes are cool, cute and badass :)
Couldn’t stop yourself could you Harambe?
are we monke or hume?
I tot leemir ?
I did it.
I don’t understand this
Reject modernity. Return to monke
No real meaning behind this.
I was just messing around with StableDiffusion and it generated this funny image. The ape looking deeply at something and the guy beside the ape is looking tired and all fed up. This is the sort of reaction you might get if you’re showing someone unfamiliar with internet culture a meme they don’t understand.