Happens way too often to me.

edit: I had no idea this was such a common issue!

  • AnarchistArtificer@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    L and, especially if it’s a book that’s a bit dense. Like the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I loved it, but I needed to only read it when I was reasonably awake or I’d have to reread. The best approach for me was to be mindful of this as a possibility and proactively ask myself if I’m absorbing the content adequately, because it’s easier to reread a chapter than half a book.

    It also happens if it’s a book that I feel like I “should” read, like one of the big classic ones that “everyone should read”. Air quotes there not because I disagree that those books are worth reading, but because the “should” can add undue pressure and make people read even less than they would. Here

    A friend was recently talking to me about this and he realised this sense of guilt about things he “should” be reading meant he never got started on the stuff he did want to read, in particular, some nice graphic novels gifted to him

    • MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I read crime and punishment recently. I had to read the first half of the book twice lol. It picked up halfway thru and I couldn’t put it down.