It’s not the best, but for my first customization attempt, I’m certainly proud of it :3 What do you all think?

    1 year ago

    When I was using Plasma, I actually preferred to put the app widget (I forget what it’s called, it’s what you have on your dock) in the upper-left corner, and have it show each window on only the current desktop with titles. That way it was consistent to use super + a number key to switch between windows.

    But yeah, it’s pretty, and it’s always nice to have a desktop theme matching the nvim theme. Have you tried setting nvim and konsole to be transparent? I think it looks better that way.

    Maybe I’ll go back when Plasma 6 comes out, there are some interesting things they have that could pull me away from GNOME. GNOME’s activities overview along with the tiling assistant extension are just plain better than anything Plasma has from what I’ve seen, but Plasma easily has the better app suite, better fractional scaling support etc, and GNOME devs being pissy about supporting objectively good things like server side decorations makes their app ecosystem more closed off than I’d prefer.