Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

    11 months ago

    And if, like you’re saying, tankies don’t do anything because that would be counterrevolutionary or whatever, then what’s the problem?

    I find all this weird exclusively online rhetoric around what’s an acceptable type of communist to be exhausting

    Oh it’s not at all exclusively online. Like, I’d prefer not to be put into a gulag, thank you, or have a vanguard start revolutions when conditions aren’t met, ultimately delaying the actual fall of capitalism. This shit has real-world implications, and them being tolerated in online places gives them power to recruit, to propagandise, ultimately to act like that AFK so we can’t have that.

    Yes I’m saying tankies should be deplatformed. Deal with it.

      11 months ago

      I’d prefer not to be put into a gulag

      See? This is the shit I’m talking about. All of your fears of tankies throwing you in the gulag are predicated on some sort of revolution happening. Do you really think that’s imminent? Like, look around. Name a prominent tankie who is poised to lead the vanguard and replace the government of whatever country you live in.

      You’re just telling yourselves ghost stories.

      “Deplatform” whoever you want, but none of this online shit matters. There’s no class consciousness in the US, there isn’t likely to be any anytime soon, and should it ever materialize they won’t be third-worldists.