Also, the implementation is fucking horrible. The rule is literally “Press, Think, Speak”, because requesting to speak and opening a connection takes a solid 5-10 seconds. Very good if you want to communicate while in a burning house. Literally everybody hates it.
I did not expect them to be so dumb as to break their own specific encryption systems…
Well, I guess I expected the bare minimum from the government, and they let me down…
Also, the implementation is fucking horrible. The rule is literally “Press, Think, Speak”, because requesting to speak and opening a connection takes a solid 5-10 seconds. Very good if you want to communicate while in a burning house. Literally everybody hates it.
Oh, what the fuck?
One of the key benefits of radio communications, is that it acts as a megaphone, but only to people monitoring the channel.
Press the PTT key, and talk (following established radio protocol), 5-10 sec delay is crap!