Yea dudes like that either live with a bunch of dudes who accept the constant stale piss smell or dont even realize their partners are constantly cleaning up their mess. Its not like a puddle from people missing. Its collection from being misted. Dude can’t beat physics whether he thinks his piss is magical or not.
Ya REAL men always stand and get piss every where.
Grow up.
I did. When you do, pissing like a bitch is so inconvenient.
Most definitely not.
So is cleaning up your piss mess. Considering you still live your parents I’d imagine it’s your mommy that cleans your piss up.
Yea dudes like that either live with a bunch of dudes who accept the constant stale piss smell or dont even realize their partners are constantly cleaning up their mess. Its not like a puddle from people missing. Its collection from being misted. Dude can’t beat physics whether he thinks his piss is magical or not.