With modern CPU’s supposedly shipping with ‘AI cores’: How long do you think it will take for a proper opensource, privacy respecting productivity tools(Something like whatever M$ copilot is supposed to be?) to be available?

Personally, i would love to see something like ‘Passive’ OCR integrated with the display server: the ability to pause any video and just select whatever text(even handwritten) there is naturally like it was a text document without any additional hassle will be really useful
Also useful in circumventing any blocks certain websites put on articles to prevent text from being copied

Or an AI grammar checker running natively for LibreOffice.

What are some AI tools you think should be developed for desktop Linux?

  • qaz@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I personally have a script that allows me to press a keybinding and then select some part of the display after which it copies the contents to my clipboard as text. Are you looking for something like that?

    Here it is, it should work on both Wayland and X11, but does require having spectacle and tesseract installed.

    # Written by u/qaz licensed under GPL3
    if ! which spectacle > /dev/null; then
        kdialog --sorry "spectacle, the required screenshotting tool, is not installed."
        exit 1
    if ! which tesseract > /dev/null; then
        kdialog --sorry "tesseract, the required OCR package, is not installed."
        exit 1
    spectacle -brn -o $screenshot_tempfile
    tesseract $screenshot_tempfile $text_tempfile
    rm $screenshot_tempfile
    result_text=$(cat $text_tempfile.txt)
    rm $text_tempfile.txt
    # Copy to either X11 or Wayland clipboard
    echo $result_text | xclip -selection clipboard
    wl-copy "$result_text"
    notify-send -u low -t 2500 "Copied text to clipboard" "$result_text"