• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlJunior Dev VS Senior Dev
    5 months ago

    Junior dev:

    Straight out of uni, know the latest developments while having also studied long established standards and specifications (like POSIX, LSB, SQL, etc), full of energy, and ready to speedrun burning out any %

    Senior dev:

    Hasn’t learned anything substantial in decades, uses outdated specs because “who got the time for that, and legacy stuff works just as well anyway”, copy pastes most of their work from stack overflow, is only still employed because of their inside information knowledge and the utter absence of documentation leading to a bus factor of one, and has perfected the art of gaming the system to the point of photoshopping a sloppy IDE screen over their WoW game whenever a picture of them “working” gets taken.

    Yeah, checks out.

  • It would seem that the end user has no idea what “cut” means. I never have to “go back to the original directory to delete the originals”. That is what “cut” is for.

    Besides, as other comments pointed out, one can make a multiple selection, and then, in conjunction with “cut”, it will work exactly like the feature described at the end. 🤷‍♂️

  • Yeah, this utterly spoiled 52 years old baby sees method acting as an excuse to indulge in his worst and most childish excesses. It is nothing short of a miracle that no one ever asked him to play Ted Bundy. And the depiction would have been a real life Zapp Brannigan playing his character like Chris Kattan played Jed Mosely in “How I met your mother”, but unironically. 😐

  • This is nothing new. There is no “age of the licence”. “Intellectual property” is much of what modern “capitalism” is about, and has been for several decades.

    The initial idea of capitalism was to have capital to back up your activity, and use that activity to develop your capital. The capital was composed of whatever you could “retain” as yours, by your own means. Meaning you had to get the skills, you had to actively retain the capital, etc. So it was self limiting. One cannot possibly retain more than one estate or learn more than a couple lines of work all by themselves.

    But then, people started selling services in addition to goods, and those who had capital quickly realised that it was far more profitable to pay someone a fraction of their capital to extend their possibility beyond their own means.

    So capitalism became some kind of club: if you already had established trust with a group that let you grow capital beyond your own means, you could effortlessly obtain capital, and grow it steadily, with virtually no limits. It was then still possible to become part of that club (given some starting capital and an ever increasing amount of work).

    However, that changed in the 70s when nixon decided to abandon the gold standard in 1971. This move essentially got rid of the need for a tangible capital, and allowed the mental concept of “trust” to be the only necessary metric by which capital is measured.

    This is the exact reason people like trump can strive. Con artists love this system, because they only need their skills, which consist solely of lying, to develop any amount of wealth, out of thin air.

    The damage effected by nixon on the north american societies, and by extension on the western societies, and by transaction, on all societies worldwide, will only be truly understood in centuries, by historians, when our epoch will be studied as a static set of facts, rather than a dynamic stream of information of varying veracity.

    Anyway, to the point: this in itself was the beginning of the end of capitalism as a meaningful economic system. But it wasn’t the last blow to its integrity. Progressively, Intellectual Property, a falsehood according to which information exhibits the same set of properties as matter, went on to relentlessly turn capitalism into a kleptocracy.

    Since the 80s, and the advent of computing, information has taken an ever more important part in society. And with it, “intellectual property”.

    By now, any capitalist with the “title to” an information can effectively forbid anyone else from having that idea.

    This is the actual problem. That and the imaginary money. It allows all kind of abuse, and it does so nonlinearly. Which is an especially bigger problem now that anyone can automate nearly anything.

    People naturally have issues understanding nonlinear progressions, and that is why Ponzi schemes work. And, also, why no meaningful majority rebels against our current system. They simply are unable to truly understand it.

  • 7heo@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlMy friends never got Vine but all love TikTok
    7 months ago

    I guess the data mining was the missing ingredient for popularity?

    Data mining was the missing ingredient for its sustainability (in the case it is “free” and centralised. The other two options are “paid”, and “federated”.)

    Once the system is sustainable that way, and the owners get greedy, they then add addiction inducing elements to the platform, designed by psychiatrists and psychologists.

    That is why it is popular.

  • I would have work sign a legal discharge that from the moment I use the technology, none of the recordings or transcription of me can be used to incriminate me in case of an alleged malpractice.

    In fact, since both are generated or can be generated in a way that both sounds very assertive but also can be adding incredibly wild mistakes, in a potentially life and death situation, they legally recognise potentially nullifying my work, and taking the entire legal responsibility for it.

    As you can see in the most recent example involving Air Canada, a policy has been invented out of thin air. Such policy is costing the company. In the case of a doctor, if the administration of the wrong sedative, the wrong medication, or if the wrong diagnosis was communicated to the patient, etc; all that could have serious consequences.

    All sounding (using your phrasings, etc) like you, being extremely assertive, etc.

    A human doing that job will know not to derive from the recording. An AI? “antihistaminic” and “anti asthmatic” aren’t too far off, and that is just one example off of the top of my head.

  • 7heo@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonefixed rule
    7 months ago

    Hear me out: brainfuck, but with parentheses only.

    >    )))
    <    (((
    +    ())
    -    (()
    .    ()(
    ,    )()
    [    )((
    ]    ))(

    Hello world example:


    Ancient aliens meme with the caption "LIPS!!"

    Python transpiler:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    """Lipsfuck to brainfuck transpiler"""
    from sys import stdin
    OPS = {")))": '>', "(((": '<',
           "())": '+', "(()": '-',
           "()(": '.', ")()": ',',
           ")((": '[', "))(": ']'}
    def main():
        """Obvious main procedure"""
        _d = ''.join(stdin.readlines()).rstrip('\n')
        for _op in [_d[x:x+3] for x in
                    range(0, int(len(_d)), 3)]:
            print(OPS[_op], end='')
    if __name__ == "__main__":