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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Oooooohh, you’ve idealized a system that you’ve never experienced because you had shitty parents.

    Yes, it would be nice if everyone’s parents were responsible and prepared, it would be nice if everyone had an extended family around them. I think everyone agrees with that.

    The reality of the situation is PARENTS most often lack the training and resources to raise a kid. Parents lack the support of family, both parents are likely to be to work to afford their family.

    The system you want doesn’t exist because nearly every member of our current system is engaged in capitalism, including the people taking care of the children for money, AKA daycares.

    I see what you want, even if you don’t realize it, I wish I had good parents too, I hated school, but at least there were examples of good people there to show me how to live a non degenerate life, unlike my parents.

  • It’s funny cause yeah, John Wayne Gacy was a clown, and if you ask something or someone to describe him in one word, you might get clown with no other context.

    When you see Gacy described in books, movies, videos, etc. they usually list both clown and serial killer in the title and show a picture of him as a clown.

    How many words do I need to ask for before I get murderer added to Christopher Columbus, or genocide with Ghengis Khan. Like the opinion on Christopher Columbus only really changed starting in 2005ish, before that they were singing kids songs about that sociopath since the 40’s. That’s a lot of history of “explorer”.

    Like one word removes context no matter what, who would they be a yard stick used in any sense?

  • Bringing race or intersectionality into a class debate with the intention of poisoning the well, IS propaganda from the ruling classes. The wealthy elite may look like the monopoly guy in many peoples heads, and that guy is real, don’t get me wrong (especially in the West), and he represents a huge amount of the wealth and power.

    But the class struggle exists in parallel, class exists inside race, Indians are suffering under a class system that is being forced on them by other Indians.

    If you don’t acknowledge that the oligarchy exists to exploit, you will never address the injustices inside a homogenous culture. If you don’t acknowledge that class alone is plenty of reason to dehuminize, you are not engaging with reality.

    That all exists on the race and gender side too. We’re all in this together.

  • Bro what are you talking about, you used to lift?

    You’re talking about possibly multiple different squat types. A full depth squat you’ll naturally want to use the bounce, that means you’ve done the exercise correctly, it’s entirely natural.

    A full depth squat with no bounce would be called a pause squat, you are purposefully controlling the bounce so you train a different part of the movement, you use these with regular squats.

    A box squat or parallel squat does not use the full range of motion, you either stop at your thighs being parallel to the ground or you use a box or a chair for a queue.

    If you have someone discovered something that every expert hasn’t, you should write a book!