• 5 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • In Russia, certain groups of kids (children of low-income parents, of families with 3+ kids, orphans) receive a special ticket, one per day, allowing them to have a school lunch for free.

    Sometimes they share unused ones (tickets don’t have names on them), which practically guarantees there’s a bunch of kids on their side - everyone wants free lunch.

    And generally it was more of a thing to flash, not something to be shamed for.

  • Ignoring or shrugging off shit people say about you may actually not be a viable long-term strategy.

    Contrary to what many of us have been taught, this actually allows others to reinforce their views about you inside their echo chambers.

    That’s not to mention it’s simply not great to hear that stuff said about you or the group you care about, and the longer this drags on, the more toxicity, alienation, and spite inevitably accumulates. None of us are immune to this, and it’s not insane to be hostile to those who are hostile to you.

  • Yes! The latter part of what you say explains exactly to me why liberals cannot be the center.

    Being “for the people” is more of a show here, while they are funded and act in the interest of businesses. When people do demand change that goes against capitalists, they will play everything to keep the spectacle while clearly not choosing people’s side. Often times, they don’t even give concessions - just pretend internal struggles stopped them from implementing the changes. And at the same time, this doesn’t break the logic of liberalism.

  • Generally, it is the fact that right-wing entails focus on businesses and private property owners, and left-wing entails direct focus on the economic wellbeing of everyone and a more egalitarian society. Liberals do not strike a meaningful balance here, and commonly see business freedoms as paramount to building a prosperous society, generally pursuing business-friendly policies.

    In more extreme cases of the political spectrum (which I agree for in terms of clarity and fairness, but which are not really a consensus) left-wing is seen as actual socialism (i.e. collectively/socially owned enterprises) and right-wing is capitalism (i.e. private property and its operation for profit). This makes a useful and clear distinction in relation to economic policy and is not dictated by the hegemony of one option. It also makes centrism virtually impossible, which is good, because the meaning of “center” drifts radically between cultures, and most people tend to just associate with whatever is predominant in their culture while calling themselves such.

    Here is how voters of neighboring Canada have put themselves on a political compass, on average, in relation to their party of choice during the 2019 election. Note that liberals are very much not in the center, and more right-wing, while conservatives as well as People’s party (don’t look at the name, it’s seen as far right even by American metrics), predictably, are extremely authoritarian-right.


    P.S. Sorry for being a bit rash :)

  • Which I would certainly engage in if I wouldn’t remember you personally as a troll who cares little of civility.

    If someone else is up for debating it, I’m always here.

    Also, one thing you genuinely caught me on is a bit of an emotional outburst, while I generally am the one picking civility card. Good job! I do apologize for that part.

    The coordinates are heavily skewed and likely to either be formed in a right-wing society or intentionally made as to confuse people.

  • “HB enthusiasts coming here and trying to call me out achieves nothing besides proving my point”

    Without taking any sides, saying some group is insane and then saying that them lashing back “proves your point” is beyond stupid.

    Like, of course they will, what else do you expect them to do? Sit and politely agree?

    We should stop with this kind of BS in any sort of debate. Groups will protect themselves, and will not get polite to those who throw slurs at them; that’s natural, normal and speaks nothing about their average behavior.

    This never proves any point and is nothing but a dirty rhetorical device aimed to shut your opposition up and make them seem irrelevant. This is not part of any possible healthy conversation.

    Also, post is not a genuine question.