This house, my parents, the government, police, the council, the courts, corporate bought statutory regulations, surgeons, roads, cars, petrol, proprietary hardware and driver blobs, youtube (until tomorrow, when I start notubevember), systemd (from ubuntustudio I hijacked), portrait monitor arrangements and low vertical pixels, single monitor, ptsd/sad/sad/pda, iron supplements, calcium supplements, emf, and doubtless many more things. But not tobacco. Thanks Allen Carr’s easy way (& caryophyllene, cbd, psilocybe microdosing and iboga microdosing).
This house, my parents, the government, police, the council, the courts, corporate bought statutory regulations, surgeons, roads, cars, petrol, proprietary hardware and driver blobs, youtube (until tomorrow, when I start notubevember), systemd (from ubuntustudio I hijacked), portrait monitor arrangements and low vertical pixels, single monitor, ptsd/sad/sad/pda, iron supplements, calcium supplements, emf, and doubtless many more things.
But not tobacco. Thanks Allen Carr’s easy way (& caryophyllene, cbd, psilocybe microdosing and iboga microdosing).