Just your average urban druid interested in technology and quantum field theory.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Was at the San Francisco Public Library with da hubs, checking out DVDs/CDs, and on our way out saw a flyer for IIRC “Celluloid San Francisco” a presentation by the author of a new book about movies made here.

    We figured “Why Not?” Walked in and was entertained for about an hour by a very personable speaker and tons of SF film facts!

    Then they unexpectedly ushered the lot of us across the hall to a catered buffet lunch, meet and greet, and book signing (none of which was mentioned on the flyer).

    We also went in slightly less higher than god…

    So we proceeded to stuff our faces from a delicious buffet, chat up the author and thank him for an amazing presentation, and then left around 2:30 not having paid a penny for anything.

  • “Thank you for reaching out! I really appreciate the gesture. However I’m very happy to inform you that I’m living a carefully considered and crafted life that I truly enjoy, and wouldn’t change a thing about it. So just mark me down as a ‘Happy Nomad’ and we’re all set! Oh, no thank you. Please save your paperwork / handouts for someone that truly needs your help. Thank you again for stopping by…”

    Acknowledged their time, update their records, refuse to waste paper, and show them the door with thank you.

  • “The Skin of Our Teeth” YouTube is a stage play by Thornton Wilder. It highlights humanity’s long and storied history of careening from one disaster to the next. Each time, surviving by…the titular title!

    We’ll wait until the last minute, then we’ll literally redefine Heaven and Earth, as we move them, to save ourselves.

    We always have, we always will.

    So you can wait for that to happen, or you can start right now by getting involved in politics. Be the voice you want to hear, encourage people to vote for candidates that will support legislation to do something about it.

    That’s literally the very old saying, “You can be part of the problem, or you can be part of the solution.”