• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Because there are some Democrats that have held on to their seats for many many years and are too fucking scared to do anything “out of the norm” because they may lose their seat. There are also some Republicans that will state they don’t like the ruling but are also too afraid of the loss of their seat to actually do anything for the country the swore to protect.

    Ultimately it comes down to the fact that there are not enough brave representatives in Congress and the Senate to take on this problem. They all talk a big talk but if their actions reduce the chances of their reelection then they are out.

  • I’m the 5th generation southerner and I can say I saw most of this growing up. I hate the bullshit “politeness” that is ingrained in this culture. I never felt anything said to me was genuine and I learned that everyone was talking behind everyone else’s back. Even worse when someone try to better their situation. It was known that “caste” you were born into would be where the community expected you to stay. Try to move out of it and well “that’s just not what we do, honey.”

    Growing up I heard 100’s of racist and misogynistic jokes and comments. It took awhile after I left to start to understand that those jokes are not just something that is part of every party and gathering. Materialism is second only to God as to how good of a person you are. Any one that came out of the closet was served a community death sentence. They were just “forgotten” about when invitations were extended for a party or holiday meal.

    Wow I didn’t know how worked up your post got me but thank you for it.