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Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • The problem with the 2nd amendment isn’t that it wasn’t updated, it’s that it was.

    The 14th amendment incorporated the other amendments such that they did not only restrict the power of the federal government upon the states and citizens, as the founders intended, but also restricted the states (so you couldn’t have southern states being evil to their citizens).

    But the 2nd amendment was incorporated radically under Heller, when it should have been incorporated in a more moderate way, such that regulations were possible, within reason, not the wild-west that Heller imposed.

    The 13th should have been reinterpreted by the courts such that many of our current forms of incarcerated service were considered beyond the line and became de facto slavery, particularly when imposed by southern states as they were.

    Honestly the fundamental problem with post-bellum American jurisprudence was giving southern states any benefit of the doubt of being remotely human when they repeatedly violated every such standard.

  • They lived in the entire US, particularly the south, as did millions of slaves who suffered centuries of genocidal brutality and worse.

    And as a non-white American , you are infinitely full of shit.

    I’ve lived in most of the country, I have NEVER experienced such utter and brutal racism as in the vile, depraved south.

    This is because after the civil war we let the slaver class live in the south, and they just took over as soon as our back was turned.

    Worst decision in this country’s history, we would be so much greater of a nation if we’d simply dealt with the problem then instead of letting their filth fester and spread. Notice how Germany is a good country nowadays while the south is still as worthless as ever.

    Indiana had racism, but comparing it to the south is like comparing a sneeze and ebola.

  • I grew up in the south, I understand them perfectly.

    Imagine growing up your whole life being told you need to be angry because you’re the greatest but everybody else takes what you deserve from you.

    It used to be that pesky northerners took away your slaves, but that evolved to taking away your rights to enforce your own laws (Jim crow), then your rights to be Christian the way you want (school prayer, abortion, insisting on a Christian country), then forcing you to tolerate gays who are abominations against God and nature, then letting foreigners come in and steal the one thing you have 9f value, your citizenship.

    All while being rich coastal liberals who never did any real work because they set the rules of the game that your parents never understood, but education can’t be that important, you’re all the chosen of God and your pastor explained that there’s no knowledge that you need outside of the truth of the Bible.

    So you have a choice between a loud, uppity foreign woman telling you why you’re not good enough in her fancy words, or somebody who talks sense and tells it like it is, and you know he’s right because it’s what you’ve always known in your heart.

    They were raised on 3 things: college football, NASCAR and pro-wrestling, and they never got involved with politics till now, so they use pro-wrestling as their model, and he is clearly the face right now.