Sorry, I’m out of the loop on this one. Would anyone mind elaborating on what happened exactly? Thank you for your time!
Sorry, I’m out of the loop on this one. Would anyone mind elaborating on what happened exactly? Thank you for your time!
I was in an volatile business before COVID. Then I was laid off due to no work and I was just fed up. Now I’m trying to get work in IT instead and the paycheck difference hurts my wallet and plans to buy a house. Hopefully it’ll be more stable and hopefully the pay will end up being better in the long run.
Much appreciated, I’ll give them a search! I have never heard of THE PACK, so that’ll be interesting learning about a new community. Thanks for your great suggestions! They hit the spot just right.
These are all great, thank you very much! Especially newcommunities, it’s a great way to learn about other communities. Nice, thank you. I wish you a lovely day!
I would just like to thank all the kind souls that helped recap the situation. It is very appreciated.