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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • There’s something to be said about how interconnected a lot of major issues in the world are. Many solutions to specific issues don’t solve the underlying reason why that issue came about in the first place, laying the groundwork for the same issue to pop up again in a few years, which is why people push to fix systemic things. (Though I do think for the sake of accuracy and humor, the last line of the comic should be “No, that is too big of an issue to possibly change”).

    We just have to accept that some people are “give a man a fish” people and others are “teach a man to fish” people. I think the world needs both for things to actually get better. Then there’s another group of people who just don’t like hearing the cries of the less privileged when they themselves are perfectly comfortable with how things are (shown in the comic) and who often wears a mask imitating the “teach a man to fish” person. The “teach a man to fish” people and “please stop complaining” people might both target their complaints towards the “give a man a fish” people, but that doesn’t mean that those two groups are the same or have the same goals. Pay no attention to bad actors who will try to prevent any movement towards a better world when it costs a bit of their own comfort.

  • How about, instead of arguing definitions of words that are constantly misused by people who want liberalism to mean anything stretching from neoliberalism to communism (which is weird how you’d take conservative’s definition of liberal at face value), you talk about how much your individual ideas have ratcheted to the right instead? I’m also not the original person who blamed your position on your liberalism.

    Insular, America-centric, “we must have the most firepower to protect us from the evil people”, is absolutely the rhetoric used by republicans in 2008. Maybe if you traveled back in time, you’d be voting for Mitt Romney regardless of how safe his dog was. It’s entirely a fear-based position to have, and that’s been the republican MO for a while. Our military industrial complex makes us less safe because it constantly creates situations that guarantees its own existence. Protecting your comfort through global threat of violence is a cowardly position to uphold.

  • Ah yes, if you’re the biggest and most violent bully in the school yard, you don’t have to worry about being beat up. Just say “they hate us for our freedom” in the mirror 3 times while ignoring any sort of actions we do as a country that might make other people or countries want to attack us. I swear, your exact message could’ve been said by the average republican in 2008.

  • I liberated my Rancilio Silvia from a relative who decided their covid hobby wasn’t as satisfying as they thought lol. But I still prefer espresso from my Flair most of the time since the Silvia still needs to be PID modded to have decent thermal management.

    I swear if I end up getting the 58, I deserve to be thrown into the ocean. I initially bought the Neo, then sold it for the classic, then replaced the brew head with the pro brew head and pressure gauge.

  • Haven’t seen this mentioned, but Meta hired marketing consultants to present to the government how dangerous TikTok was just so their Facebook/IG reels or whatever they are called can take their place. This spawned a ton of news articles and opinion pieces about the government talking about this new dangerous TikTok thing and how bad it is. Also, it was very clear that an anti TikTok campaign was happening on Reddit like a year ago, so the marketing didn’t stop with presenting things to the government.

    And I’m not saying it isn’t a breach of privacy. I also use Google maps too, so I’m not too terribly concerned with it. But it does just seem like a marketing smear campaign centralized around the facade of xenophobia and “think of the children”

    I think the issue with this question is the fact that you asked it on a decentralized platform. If you asked this same thing on a centralized social media platform, you’ll definitely get far more pro-Facebook and anti-TikTok comments and less “uh…both are bad CHECK PLEASE”