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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • The US is an imperialist hypocrite of a country. Like that is just a damn fact. As you point out though, the issues leftists, not in these spaces, have with places like hexbear, and ml, is the fact that they back authoritarian regimes like China. China who is in the process of the US playbook of economic imperialism with their BRI. They are committing a genocide, they are exploiting much poorer countries, to hold them in economic dependency, and they are discussing annexing land they do not own any longer, and haven’t for a long time now. No I am not talking about Taiwan.

    They are making so many similar moves to the US post WWII, and have an economy that is dependent on allowing capitalism, to the point that they have a billionaire class second only to the US. While the US is growing its police/surveillance state, China is leagues ahead on that one. The big thing China doesn’t have, is something similar to the massive global infrastructure the US developed to be able to deploy, and supply, its military in a time frame measured in hours. China is trying to develop something along these lines, but it has the US/NATO super structure all ready in place, it will have to, at least partially, displace. This will not be easy.

  • Or, I don’t talk politics to YOU. I talk politics all the time, even people I know hard disagree with me on major things. The thing is, we can stay civil, if hard facts are introduced that prove a point one person is making, or show why someone’s idea is wrong, it will be actually considered. When I say this, it is usually because I know that person can’t do this, or I am in an environment where this can hurt my life, like work.

  • Jiggle_Physics@lemmy.worldto195@lemmy.worldRan into this over on Reddit
    19 days ago

    The great works of Eisenhower while president of the US

    Funding, and arming, paramilitary death squads to keep the price of super essential things like, like bananas, low by having the CIA create a coup in Guatemala. The resulting 40 year ethnic cleansing of Guatemalan natives. Project Ajax in Iran that over-threw their government for the Sha. Operation Haik which attempted to coup Indonesia in 1958. Purging the government of dissenters under the auspices of them being gay, and basically making the burgeoning lavender scare policy. Was instrumental in the formative days of what became the Vietnam war. Created, and authorized, policy that basically gave the US DOD and CIA cart blanche to interfere with foreign powers in the interest of the US’s industry.

    These are just the things I can come up with off the top of my head.

  • Have you ever petitioned your local legislators, or even contacted them? That is a starting point. You also search out what political initiatives are local to you, what political organizations are, and you look for ones already working for things that would benefit men. Things like groups pushing for better coverage of mental health care, groups that work to get popular media to discuss mental health, and work for better media representation of mental health care. There are plenty of these, and if none seem to be working for men’s interests, since you joined, you now have a opening to present data to get them to do so, etc. Everyone who wasn’t already a public figure, when the went on youtube, was in the same position. You could look for youtubers who are already doing just this, like for real, and not just grifting manosphere stuff, and push their channel to places.
    Fuck, find channels that discuss mens’ issues, and mental health, in a real way, and go push them in manosphere places.

    There is a lot you can. You have to take the initiative, you have to figure out what is out there, you have to figure out how to interact with them, etc. It’s not easy.