• 5 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 4th, 2024

  • One of my best friends in elementary school was a son of Turkish immigrants.
    His parents didn’t speak any German, so naturally he had serious issues with the language, too.
    This held him back in school, which lead to him getting sent to the lowest tier of secondary school.
    (We have 3 tiers in Germany. The highest one (Gymnasium) qualifies you for university, the middle one (Realschule) used to qualify you for highly-skilled work that doesn’t require university, and the lowest one (Hauptschule) for the trades. Nowadays, even trades jobs scoff at the middle tier, and the lowest tier is basically a direct route to a life of shit jobs or unemployment.)
    But just by hanging out with him as a friend, I taught him German, how to use and fix computers, showed him the world of books, and connected him to German society better. I’m not trying to brag, he was a very bright kid and it wasn’t like I was doing this as welfare, he was just a good friend and we shared what we liked with each other.

    25 years later we met again by accident. He actually recognized me when he saw me on the street in a different city.
    By then he had switched from Hauptschule to Realschule, went on to get his qualification for university, studied economics, created his own company in the IT sector, and had 6 employees. And he told me that my friendship was what kept him out of the wrong circles. On the old computer I had given him (which my parents had replaced) he had taught himself how to use office programs, so he was the only one in the family who could do the taxes, which taught him about finances.
    At the time I met him again I was actually unemployed and working odd manual labor jobs under the table, after failing my university education twice due to depression.
    He connected me to some contacts he had, which landed me an IT support job, and now I have a pretty good career as a sysadmin.

  • German take: Parking on the side of the road and on sidewalks should just be banned.
    Its legality is based on a single court case from the 1950’s where a judge decided that it should be a legal use of public space, because it’s necessary and useful for motorizing the country. The justfication is obsolete. It’s not enshrined in any laws. The traffic law specifically forbids it, with exceptions.
    Yet it’s practiced everywhere and even where parked cars block sidewalks, police simply don’t enforce the law.

    “But where should I park?”
    You should have thought of that before buying a car.

    “But what about rural areas where you need a car to live?”
    No problem here, just park it on your turnip field.

  • Somehow I’ve managed to commute to work on a bike year round for 10 years now, and I’m in a customer-facing role.
    When it rains I wear rain clothes (jacket, rain pants and over-shoes). I also have full fenders and a chainguard on my bike.
    If necessary, I ride in cycling clothes, carry my work clothes and some deodorant in a pannier, and quickly dry off and change in the bathroom when I arrive. It takes 5 minutes.

  • pros:

    • I don’t sit in a cage in the middle of a traffic jam 2+ hours a day
    • When I get to work, I’m awake and in a good mood, when I get back home, I’ve left the work stress behind
    • I’m actually faster door to door than in a car in rush hour traffic on my 8 mile commute
    • It keeps me fit even if I don’t do any other sports
    • It’s fun
    • I can fix everything myself with a toolbox I bought for 40€
    • My bike cost 1000€, 4 years ago, and I think I spent another … 30€ on it in all that time, for lube and tubes


    • It can’t fully replace a car. Around once a week I need public transit for longer routes. Around once a month I have to rent a car, too.
    • Bike lanes don’t exist or aren’t usable everywhere. In places without them you need some thick skin to deal with the incoherent rage of strangers who feel like your choice of vehicle threatens their entire lifestyle.
    • Biking has become a political statement for some reason

    From your con list, the only one that is actually true in my opinion is:

    • little meaningful protection against severe injury
      (which is mostly a problem due to cars on the road)

    All the other ones either simply aren’t true, or are only an issue if you’re starting out and haven’t figured out what’s important yet.