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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • If it makes you feel any better he’ll be the one that gets slapped with malpractice if he fucks up. He’s inherently accepting a certain amount of liability as a doctor.

    The other thing that comes to mind is he is trained specifically in his field to diagnose and treat. As a nurse you are trained to do what you do best.

    That doesn’t give him a right to be on his phone all the time and be a dipshit. Eventually, that will have consequences of some sort. Currently he’s receiving less respect and earning a shitty reputation. That might come to bite him in the ass some day. Him being lax may come out in his work and bite him in the ass too at some point.

    But I understand your frustration. I’ve got shitty managers who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground and I constantly question how they got and are keeping their jobs.

  • I have the same issue. For me it’s mainly some ip address in Russia but it bounces around. I’ve had the 2FA enabled on my account for at least a year now. I have a unique, random password for it. Recently (like a month or two ago) the 2FA app popped up with a message to click on the number to verify or deny. I knew it wasn’t me so I denied it.

    I was worried someone had managed to guess my long ass password but I fiddled around with it and it’s possible to get that 2FA prompt when you are trying to do a password recovery. So I just let it ago and haven’t gotten any others since. I still feel like I should chang my email but based on what others are saying it doesn’t seem like it will make a difference.