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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • I would argue there that there’s a limit to how much better eyesight would affect things like that though, falling over and dying

    that specific example was a little bit hyperbolic, but i think there is likely a general improvement with the ability to sight vision and small discrepancies in things.

    Also you’re talking about visual clarity, this is specifically about being able to detect motion better.

    as for why this matters for shit like not falling over and dying? Well cool little story, sometimes humans like to move around. Things around us move in relation to ourselves, so it could be expected to see some benefit in that regard as well.

  • hmm, that’s definitely interesting.

    Usually the way to identify if its about hunting/war or not is to find the exceptions and links: do hunters that perform really, really well have 3x the visual cortex neurons? Is it a socialization thing where doing certain tasks results in higher brain differentiation?

    yeah, this is why i think it’s more of a secondary adaptation, as opposed to something directly evolving from the needs of hunting for example. Something like this is generally broad, and generally applied, usually. So i would think the cause would as well.

    One thing that i thought of was a nightwatch position, the heightened visual acuity would be highly valuable in a low visibility environment. So maybe it’s something like co-evolution? Where females developed more accurate color perception, while males developed more accurate movement perception.

    we’re probably thinking too hard about it, and it’s probably just evolution trolling us and giving us the best of both worlds because we are in fact a socialized species. So this could stem from our social aspect, not directly, but the benefit of it in a social aspect is vastly more impactful, leading to more socialization, and further development of this adaptation.

  • ok so, here’s my theory. The obvious answer here is that this is obviously “for hunting” or something. But evolution doesn’t really work that way.

    So my take on this is that this is actually an evolutionary adaptation to the different structure of the male body, as well as it’s general abilities, and how they have been used throughout humanity. If men are generally stronger, taller, and faster runners, wouldn’t it make sense that the visual processing would be adapted to be more responsive to these use cases?

    this seems like the only realistic answer to me. Something about men must be different enough, or at the very least, have been used differently enough at some point in time for a long enough period of time, that it has to have been an evolutionary adaptation.

  • like, i mean it might be hard to bring up, but i’m going to be bluntly honest here, probably don’t bring it up if you don’t feel ready or comfortable talking about it, you can always talk about the fact you’re uncomfortable about it as well. That’s another option.

    There’s always a certain level of what i like to call conversational formality that one should apply. In the english language we use words like, the and ah an a i me, and various other words to help describe the specifics of what we’re talking about.

    You can say something like “i have a blue backpack, it sits on that wall over there, there’s something important inside”

    or you can say something like “blue bag, wall, important”

    they both convey roughly the same message, but the former has vastly more detail in it, and is substantially more comprehend-able.

    In the same way that you wouldn’t say “blue bag” when referring to something specific, you shouldn’t say “when are we getting married” in lieu of talking about marriage, it’s just not formal, or respectful at all. Personally, i just ignore anything like that that people say, if they don’t want me to know specifically what they’re talking about it’s not my problem, they can prod more, or simply do nothing about it. I could always ask, but again, wasn’t my idea.

    i don’t know why people dance around topics like this, maybe i’m just highly autistic or something, but it just pisses me off. It’s almost like my time isn’t worth utilizing to the point of having a real discussion, so instead we’re having a meaningless conversation that doesn’t have a defined start or end, with no expected results.

    for something like marriage it’s literally as simple as “hey, so what do you think about marriage?” and you can go from there, which is even less confrontational than something like “when are you going to propose to me?”