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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • From what I’ve seen of real world examples, not “what if the car had 5 cats in it and the person on the crosswalk had a stroller full of 6 cat, swerve into a barricade?”, telsa cars just release control of the autonomous controls to the person behind the wheel a few seconds before impact so the driver is fully liable.

  • Same as reddit, same as Facebook, same and Twitter. It’s the same as any website. Anything you post is most certainly getting scraped to create a profile on you. Whether that is for nefarious purposes for just to better serve you ads is irrelevant.

    There is no privacy to anything you post on the internet to public forums.

    Just look at the effort that went into making “work from home” viable back in 2020. The fediverse is not a unique case of being a “privacy nightmare”.

    For fun, try to “dox yourself” by searching on Google from a different IP and computer from what you normally use for your name, usernames, etc. to see what information is freely available to the public.

    tldr: practice good opsec!

  • That’s awesome!

    I don’t know why, but I’m reminded of an episode of Dr Who where Van Gogh was getting tormented by some alien. At the end, Dr Who saved the day and the companion asked if that saved Van Gogh from his demon and Dr Who said that Van Gogh still goes on to kill himself… and that’s just depression. It’s sad that someone could create such amazing works of art and have such a troubled life.

  • While this is funny, it drives traffic to the site so it’s the equivalent of people buying Nike shoes to then burn as protest. The company is still making money and they’re getting free advertising.

    A better protest would be to delete Reddit accounts, uninstall the apps, and see how long you can go without hearing or thinking about reddit.