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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’m telling you, with first hand experience, that they do.

    And again, no, an endorsement alone isn’t ever going to convince me. There are multiple things that can convince people.

    Some people are going to stick with what they’ve always stuck with.

    Some people are going to focus on personality, “Have a beer with” .

    Some are going to look at policy.

    And of course no one is simple, so it’s usually a combination of the above.

    But those Republicans who have always voted Republican, who finally see Trump for what he is, are looking for an alternative. They’re not risk takers. They aren’t just going to vote Harris if they’ve decided they can’t vote Trump. If however they see others from their crowd do it, they are likely to follow along.

  • It’s not a contradiction, it’s a focus on Republicans.

    I’m saying that endorsements like these convince Republican voters to vote for Harris.

    For those who think there is no difference between the parties it may be less helpful. However if you’re truly standing in the middle, watching one side cross over to the other and only ever one side crossing over to the other, that should give you an idea of at least which way to start looking.

    Of course I understand the cynic who just says everyone is just flip flopping around. For those folks endorsements aren’t the argument to make. Republicans voting for Democrats means they must be the same. In these cases it’s better to focus on policy or the individual. If I were an undecided voters who endorsed who wouldn’t sway me. Show me the policies, that’s what I’m looking for.

  • I do.

    I know people who voted for Trump because they’ve always voted Republican. Republican is their team, so they voted Republican. They assume Trump, as a Republican, will continue with standard Republican policies (which is generally true). They don’t like him as a person but just don’t pay too much attention to it.

    If you mostly ignore Trump and just think of him as a generic Republican it makes sense. I was planning on voting for Biden before he dropped out because Democratic policy is generally what I’m voting for. Biden dropping out and Harris stepping in doesn’t really change my voting plan. I’m still voting Democrat, I’m still voting Harris. Is Harris my favorite choice? No. Is the Democratic platform my perfect platform? No. But is it the best choice given the options? Absolutely. (And I don’t say that as horribly negative thing, there are A LOT of positives from Harris/Democrats and I’m glad/excited to vote for her.)

    BUT we know Trump isn’t a generic Republican and people can’t ignore EVERYTHING he’s done. Jan 6 being a big one. If you’re a Republican voter now you’re stuck. You can’t vote for Trump. But you want to vote Republican.

    You’re a generic Republican voter. You see Bush admins, Regan admins, Cheney all say they’re voting for Harris. You voted for them previously. That gives you the opening to vote for Harris. That helps.

  • To extend this a little further, computers also don’t actually store books, they store blocks.

    For example, you have a computer that can store 50 blocks of information. You store “Moby Dick”, taking up 20 blocks & “Tom Sawyer”, taking another 20 blocks.

    Next you decide you don’t like “Moby Dick”, so you delete it. You also decide you want to store an ice cream menu, taking up just 1 block.

    That menu will be stored based on where the computer thinks the block fits best. So you might have 20 blocks that still contain “Moby Dick”, or you might have only 19 blocks that contain most of “Moby Dick”, but it might be missing the beginning, middle or end.

    If I were doing data recovery I might not be able to provide you with the complete “Moby Dick” story. I might only be able to give you part of it.

    Looking into why blocks, let’s say you’re writing up the first draft of a book report, it might take up 4 blocks. Then later you edit, improve and add to that that book report, and now it takes 5 blocks. The computer took care of making space, even though your report got larger. It didn’t know if you were going to add 1 new block of information, or 1000 new blocks of information, it figured it out and did the rearranging for you.

    However when it comes time for you to look at it, it automatically knows how to put it together. (And usually it does group things together if it can).

    This is important to keep in mind when it comes to data recovery because the more you use your computer the more likely blocks are allocated and data gets moved around.

    If you delete important photos, then spend the weekend surfing the Internet, those photos might be gone. Or if they are available, might only be partially available.

  • I use flat case most of the time, but I also try to stick to single word files so there is no case to get in the way.

    I think for documents I might share like a PDF I’d use Pascal case.

    In a classroom or teaching setting I will sometimes use Kebab case as I find it is the least confusing and makes it extra clear where the word division is. Similarly I avoid Dot notation since it’s confusing for folks coming from a Windows world.

    And I would avoid Screaming because that’s just too loud anywhere.

  • Sure Reddit and Lemmy are different technical stacks, but neither is doing anything particularly unique or complicated.

    If Reddit wanted to federate it could. It would take some work but it would be an achievable task in a reasonable amount of time.

    Perhaps scaling or stability issues. I’m not sure the Fediverse is ready to handle the number of actions a site like Reddit handles. Then again I’m not super well versed on that part of the Lemmy software, so maybe it would be fine.

  • Occasional weed use is how I use weed.

    I have plenty of legal 5mg edibles to choose from. I usually grab a can that contains 20 or so, share with friends and it lasts me a few months.

    Sometimes friends and I share vapes, both flower and liquid/oil based. I have no idea how strong they might be. Sometimes a puff or two and I’m set for the night. Sometimes it’s nowhere near enough and I’ll have more.

    Never am I anxious. Never are friends of mine overly anxious. If someone has too much, they take a minute, they take a moment, hell they take an hour if they need.

    Everyone has to learn their tolerance, just like we had to learn for alcohol. Maybe it’s a bit more complicated with marijuana, but it’s the same idea.

    Also weed all the time is a terrible idea. As is weed never. (Although ultimately it’s up to you, as long as you’re happy and it isn’t ruining your life.)

    Excellent unpopular opinion.

  • It’s definitely amplified to pretend that any existing story is a “real story” or to just pad a slow news day.

    You can just say “Twitter users are saying” and suddenly something sounds important. No need to clarify that it’s just a few dozen people, and by “people” it’s just Twitter accounts many of which are bots.

    The sooner Twitter implodes the better off we all are. Sure I’d like folks to move to Mastodon, but really I don’t care where they go. Bluesky or Threads is fine. Some new hotness/flavor of the week is fine. But Twitter is a lost cause. It’s speeding towards failure since Musk took over but he just accelerated its eventual fate.