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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • I almost agree with you.

    Any mind-alteration which is produced by unconscious or conscious intent, or even by hypnosis, can be mental-illness.

    This includes social-programming.

    One of Doidge’s books identifies that masochism is when one’s mind … I think in abstract-shapes, so remapping the concept into English, the way I remember it, is going to seem strange…

    when one’s mind folds such that the portion of one’s mind which had been among the pleasure-brain now is among the pleasure-brain AND the pain-brain, so it’s getting lit-up by both…

    he said the treatment is to get people to notice pleasure that isn’t having any pain in it, to try to get their mind to differentiate again…

    “folds” ( sorta like crossing one’s legs, compromising one’s balance, while standing ), is how the abstract-shape feels, in my mind, but he cannot possibly have said it that way…

    Also, differentiating between the cause ( the brain-damage of child-onset schizophrenia, e.g. which reduces the person’s brain volume by 10% ) vs the effect of that brain-loss, combined with all the social-pressure to behave as though everything were fine ( I experienced this: if kids were helped, instead of bullied & gaslit, then maybe the suicide-rate would be lower than 10% for such lives )

    would be better integrity than what we do.

    Further, since the placebo-effect and hypnosis both work, provably, then I’d want to use mentally-induced-healing on physical/biological things which yield to it, wherever possible…

    ( not ignoring it, or blocking awareness of it, but actually dismantling it, like allergies for some people should be dismantlable by hypnotherapy…

    a psychiatrist, who happened to be my dad, told me that it was reliable that some people with allergies would have allergic-reactions to entering his office, when he had a picture of a rose visible.

    They woudn’t consciously notice it, but he did. )

    _ /\ _

  • The amount of power you could pull from a single square metre of solar on the roof wouldn’t increase your range meaningfully.

    What it would do, is that you could possibly keep your starter-battery from going dead-flat if you left your car alone for a 1/2 month, in the summer ( snow would cover it, obviously ), & since bringing a lead-acid battery to dead-flat permanently-damages it, this would prevent costly problems for the car-owners.

    ( this happened to a friend with a Prius: had to replace the battery, and the damned thing was inside the rear wheel-well??? in a little compartment.

    Origami-engineering’s … simultaneously incredible & stupidly-frustrating )

    I’ve held for years that they should be doing it to keep the starter-battery trickle-charging, but … why make the customers have fewer costly/frustrating problems?

  • Power-consumption.

    Also, the vibration produced by the 2.5" drives is less, but they’re more-sensitive to it, to begin with.

    I’d not even consider spinning-platter drives, nowadays, though:

    SATA SSD’s for a NAS strike me as being the sanest choice.

    Samsung what are those called, Evo drives?

    excellently-high MTBF, ultra-short ( compared with rotating-platters ) seek-time ( literally orders-of-magnitude quicker ), etc.

    I don’t know of ANY reason to go with spinning-platters, nowadays.

    ( & I’m saying that as a guy stupid-enough to have not realized this in time, & who spent money on such a thing, when SSD’s really were the answer )

  • My experience is that USB storage sometimes breaks-connection for no discernable reason.

    That if one REALLY wants to do USB storage, then put it inside the housing, and don’t use one of the external-connectors, use something you can permanently-fix, so nothing can even sneeze in its direction.

    This mayn’t help you with your puzzle, but it’s bedrock and unchangeable, in my experience.

    USB-storage is an unreliable joke.

    ANY revision of it, that I’ve tried.


  • They are creative, though:

    They put things that are “near” each-other into juxtaposition, and sometimes the insights are astonishing.

    The AI’s don’t understand anything, though: they’re like bacteria-instinct: total autopilot.

    The real problem is that we humans aren’t able to default to understanding such non-understanding apparent-someones.

    We’ve created a “hack” of our entire mental-system, and it is the money-profit-rules-the-world group which controls its evolution.

    This is called “Darwin Award territory”, at the species-scale.

    No matter:

    The Great Filter, which is what happens when a world-species hasn’t grown-up, but gains adult-level technology ( nukes, entire-country-destroying-militaries, biotech, neurotoxins, immense industrial toxic wastelands like the former USSR, accountability-denial-mechanisms in all corporate “persons”, etc… )

    you have a toddler with a loaded gun, & killing can happen.

    “there’s no such thing as a dangerous gun: only a dangerous man”, as the book “Starship Troopers” pushed…

    Toddlers with guns KILL people in the US.

    AI’s our “gun”, & narcissistic-sociopathy’s our “toddler commanding the ship” nature.

    Maybe we should rename Earth to “The Titanic”, for honesty’s sake…

    _ /\ _

  • And if she can’t yet draw, then please get her to invest in:

    • “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive Edition”, by Betty Edwards
    • all the tools recommended in that book
    • a charcoals assortment ( I’ve no idea why Betty Edwards doesn’t understand how much easier it makes it to learn?! )
    • “The Simple Secret To Better Painting”
    • “Mastering Composition”

    and then dig-in.

    The 1st book many know-about.

    The 2nd, much-fewer do, so the advantage that someone has, when they’ve earned the meanings of both, becomes noticeable…

    The 3rd? That’s University-level better.

    Nobody who’s earned the meanings of all-3 is likely to remain at the bottom-of-the-heap in artwork…

    The 1st 2 books, however, are required for competing well.

    _ /\ _

  • I understand both you position, and the position of those who attacked you with downvotes…

    Please read some of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales…

    written in the late 1300’s…

    Different classes were fighting over the validity of the word “ain’t” back then.

    That is STILL an ongoing class-war!

    As for “anyway” vs “any way”, there is a consistent force pushing simplification of terminology that is most-commonly-used, hence what used to be separate words, becomes hyphenated, then fused, as a natural progression in language…

    ( my hyphenation has nothing to do with that: its simply that having to translate between thoughtshapes & English mouth-words is sooo damn limiting, & I’m trying to communicate the closeness-of-relation between groups-of-words, & show how some are more interwoven, but others aren’t.

    Inescapable translation can suck, & be exhausting. )

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