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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s more for immediate family in the house. My wife loves to cook so she usually does, unless she’s going to be busy and then I’ll chip in. Sometimes we have the kids make dinner and we meal plan so they get to decide what to make.

    Conversation is a lot more organic than you’re thinking. We talk about our day or what we’ve recently learned. Could go into taboo subjects like religion and politics. The kids get some great critical thinking exercises. If someone has something going on then we try to eat around that (ex. like a sports function to be at). Most other people eat around the same time (5p-6p) so it’s fairly easy to ensure we eat together most nights.

    I guess the biggest take away is that we set this expectation since before we had kids, my wife and I tried to eat dinner together whenever possible, and the kids have grown up with that routine so they’re used to it.

  • I can relate to this. I’m in my 40s now with quite a bit of hindsight.

    When I was in my 20s I went to school in a creative field but with a science degree. I ended up getting through the program and earning my BS. However, I ultimately found that the field I was going into treated people poorly so I decided not to go forward with a career in it. Instead, I kept working in retail, where I had to get through school, and eventually worked my way up into management.

    I now run a branch in a completely different field and am doing very well, have learned a ton, and have helped many people. It’s fulfilling and been good to me and my family. When I was deciding where life would take me, this wasn’t planned, but it’s probably 100x better than where I would be if I had chosen to go forward with my original plan.