Rom [he/him]

Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • China added more solar panels in 2023 than US did in its entire history. If China can expand their renewable infrastructure to such an extent I’m having a hard time believing the US can’t do the same thing.

    It’ll take some time to build out more wind and solar, and unfortunately Republicans are there the whole way to undermine any meaningful climate action.

    The U.S. is producing more oil than anytime in history right now under Biden. Republicans aren’t the only ones undermining meaningful climate action, this is a fully bipartisan effort.

    Both parties serve the same capital interests. Let’s be clear, if they wanted to they absolutely could drastically reduce the amount of oil being drilled and pump billions of dollars into renewable energy research so that the US is no longer reliant on carbon-emitting energies; they just don’t want to.

  • Renewable power is the No. 2 source of electricity in the U.S. — and climbing

    Why the fuck isn’t it number one yet? We’ve known about climate change for decades now. What’s the holdup? Why is he still opening up more land and sea reserves for drilling? He and the rest of the ghouls in DC still serve oil execs and are never going to make any meaningful actions towards climate change.

    Preventing discriminatory mortgage lending

    While the update hasn’t taken effect yet

    So, nothing.

    Forcing Chinese companies to open their books

    More warmongering with China. Fuck off.

    Preventing another Jan. 6

    Uh huh

    Building armies of drones to counter China

    Shut the fuck up

    Biden scraps Trump’s paint scheme for Air Force One

    I’m supposed to give a shit about the color of his plane???

    Biden recommends loosening federal restrictions on marijuana

    “Recommends” He didn’t do shit. It’s not an accomplishment unless he actually does something. And he’s only moving it to Schedule III, not actually legalizing it, so even if it goes through it’s still a half assed solution. Legalize it or fuck off.

    A penalty for college programs that trap students in debt

    None of my student loan debt has been cancelled.

    Biden moves to bring microchip production home

    Seriously half this article is diaper pissing about China.

    Preventing a cobalt crisis in Congo

    More CIA intervention, cool.

    Countering China with a new alliance between Japan and South Korea


    Union-busting gets riskier

    Remind me again who busted the rail strike.

    The U.S. is producing more oil than anytime in history

    Imagine bragging about about fighting climate change then saying this shit.

    Strengthening military ties to Asian allies

    China again

    Seriously half of his “”““accomplishments””“” are just “China bad”. What a garbage ass list, no wonder he’s going to lose.

    Also he’s still doing a genocide so he can go fuck himself.

  • “We at Apex Roofing & Restoration are truly heartbroken by the senseless death of a minor at a job site in 2019,” a spokesperson for the company said. “The tragic incident occurred when a subcontractor’s worker brought his sibling to a worksite without Apex’s knowledge or permission.”

    That’s why they do this subcontractor shit, not just as an excuse to deny the people who do their work benefits but to deflect blame whenever someone is injured/dies.

    The latest penalty of $117,175 comes from the Wage and Hour Division, but in December 2019, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration also cited Apex Roofing $159,118 after it said the company exposed employees to fall hazards.

    In a citation, OSHA officials said employees working nearly 50 feet above the ground didn’t have safety ropes and weren’t properly trained.

    Turns out they have a whole history of safety violations surprised-pika

  • The IRS tried to get me to pay 5 grand in taxes on a forgiven loan that never even existed to begin with. Like they even gave me an account number, I called up the bank (who I’m fully aware I’ve never borrowed money from) and they couldn’t find anything either. No amount of “this loan never existed, I spoke to the bank who confirms this loan never existed, I’m aware of all of my debt and I’m 100% positive I’ve never borrowed from them, what the fuck are you even talking about” would convince them. Finally I asked them to send me their documents supporting the loan, evidently that was enough and they’ve since dropped the issue. Still had to fight them for five years on this bullshit.

    I’m not rich either, when you factor in my student loans I have a negative net worth.