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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I’m just gonna pretend that I didn’t hear the “without harming yourself” part and go absolutely all out on giving my all just to please others with no regards to my own well being because I only feel like I have value when I do things for others and not intrinsically like you’re supposed to feel and it feels too weird when people do nice things to me just because which I then in turn reject to give more of myself to others :3


  • I’m very disappointed people are making fun of the kids, honestly. It’s like people forgot how this is the exact same situation as when we were kids, with the older people making fun of us

    I was hoping that the cycle would have been broken with the internet, but I guess not

    It’s just the next step in the evolution of language, humour, culture, and expression, it happened before, and it will happen again. Except it will be somewhat different this time with the internet allowing complex, instant, and global communication. Things will certainly change and develop much faster than they used to. This to me, however, is just exciting more than anything else, I love novelty and new stuff

  • I mean, queer people use about/among themselves sometimes. Over time it might get more reclaimed like “queer” was

    But it will take time, either way, and some people will never be okay with the word, as they have too much bad association with it, just the same as with “queer”

    I sometimes use it for comedic value, though relatively rarely. I avoid using it among people who I don’t know well, though

  • Okay, but dolphins don’t have writing or any other means of storing arbitrary information. If an alien had that capability, which they will if they are a civilization, things might be very different

    Because we would live in a shared reality, if both species were to try to achieve communication, we would start out with something as simple as the basic building blocks of reality, like, say, the elements of the periodic table, to build out the foundation of communication. Then you would incorporate stuff like math and logic, and then it’s downhill from there

    There are ways to build up a system of communication even though the two sides are as different from each other as they can be, because ultimately, as we share the same reality, we have an objective basis to base our method of communication on. And that’s all you need. It doesn’t matter if we speak and they use odors, if we can both agree that hydrogen is hydrogen, and we can both perceive that we are in presence of hydrogen