• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The people who try to compare caffeine to a drug are both trying to make a mute point and have likely never done any real drugs that are truly addictive.

    Yeah under the strict technical definition a drug is something you ingest that affects your body on some level. Yes caffeine is technically a drug under this definition as its a stimulant which represses the chemical signals in your brain responsible for tiredness.

    Billions of people drink multiple cups a day, and some feel like they would really like some coffee in the morning. If you want to define that minor desire for coffee as an ‘addict craving’ well I guess nobody is stopping you from seeing it that way. So there, if you want to play the technicality game and do some mental gymnastics with your world view then I guess all frequent coffee drinkers are technially addicts to the most commonly used drug in the world.

    Buuuut, heres where reality comes in. On the grand scale of all drugs that exist in the world today and their level of addictiveness/potential to destroy your life caffine is so so so far off the left side of the scale it may as not be there.

    When we have a serious big boy conversation about drugs and their potential harms with people who actually know what they are talking about and lived that life, nobody is going to bring up caffeine.

    I’ve worked in rehabs. Ive seen first hand what true addiction and harmful drugs can do to people. I’ve had friends whos lives/minds were destroyed by real hard opioids and narcotics. I’ve helped homeless strangers try to build up their lives from scratch. A vast majority of them had issues with alcohol and opioids, you want to know the demographic of affine addicts we treated? None.

    You want to consider caffeine as a drug and point out how ‘lots of people are technically an addict lol’ fine fair enough. Just keep in mind that real truly hard drugs exist which caffeine can’t hold a candle too, that severe addiction is real and infinitely more hellish than coffee cravings in the morning. And maybe by trying to compare the two and think of them on the same level is an unnuanced overly simplified opinion

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlLeftist game be like
    7 months ago

    Man I really want to play disco but I really don’t want to pirate it either. Everyone’s always saying dont pay for it so I havent but is keeping 10$ out of a publishers hands and holding off on experiencing an awesome game just to ‘own the corpos’ really worth it? feels dumber every year I hold off on it.

  • This also seems to have the effect of people getting less salty at being down voted, on reddit I noticed the trend of people verbally expressing salt at even a single down vote editing their whole comment to go “and to the brainlet sheeple soyjack who down voted me I’d like you to know yada yada”

    Here I notice less people throwing a verbal tantrum over the idea not everyone likes their opinion. Whenever I get the occasional down vote barrage at a spicy opinion I think “ah well can’t win em all, guess maybe my opinion might be a little shit” not amend my post with “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU YOU FUCKING SUBHUMAN TROGLODYTES”

  • Worked over the summer, then after I got a 4 season canvas tent and have been staying in it past few months learning the ins and outs of offgrid life. Put my Electrical degree to use by building up a small solar system. Learned a hell of a lot about keeping yourself warm.

    Currently is been raining kind of hard and the ground isn’t absorbing water well since its cold so water has been seeping into the floor of my tent, obviously that’s not great so m current focus is on getting a platform built for the tent to go up on.

    After that I want to get a wood stove since heating with propane cost a little bit compared to finding free woof to burn, but I am worried that the smoke and smell would draw too much attention. May have to just live with propane until I get my own property that isnt fucked by an HOA but I REALLY want a wood stove just cause I think its rad as hell and our neighbors have a bonfire all the time so what’s the difference really. Maybe I’m worried over nothing and nobody would care really.

    My sibling burned their life down with some stupid bs and their kids ended up in the system so I’ve been kind of stuck helping my elderly parents through the foster/adoption process since may. Its been a massive headache and I didn’t get to go camping like I wanted to but sometimes doing the right thing means making sacrifices to your own self interest. Hopefully well have them by Christmas and I have enough cash left by spring to go camping before job hunting.

  • Yes people really do sterilize those areas. Its more common when you need to take a farmers bath. You sterilize because the main cause of stink is not dirt or oil or sweat but microorganisms.

    Bacteria that live on your skin colonize and thrive in those areas. That smell is sulphur based waste they produce.

    Soap does not kill microorganisms very well on its own, instead it helps the water pick them up and wash them away. If you have a lot of clean running water and a lot of soap it works well enough but doesnt 100% get rid of the colony. sterilizer kills off whats left.

    That being said most people (me included) who use sterilizer are cautious about putting it on the groin/taint since those areas are so sensitive but a teeny tiny bit on a realy wet washrag seems to be okay imo. I mainly use it for the pits and just soap and scrub really well down below.

    Also about the surgeon thing I’m pretty sure they still use sterilized gloves in a sterilized environment with equipment that’s been through riggerous decontamination. They probably use hand sanitizer too lol.