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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I totally came to say this. Google has become designed to tarpit you into staying on the site longer. They no longer have the goal of giving you what you want quickly, they want you to see more ads.

    Google makes $307/yr. per user. They are strongly motivated to tarpit us. If we want a clean search experience we need to be open to the idea of paying.

    As an embedded systems dev that searches a lot of obscure stuff, I use Kagi and love it. Go try its free searches and see for yourself.

    If you value your time and mental stability, please do yourself a favor and go see what clean, high quality search results look like on Kagi.

  • Subverb@lemmy.worldto195@lemmy.world"Fuck No" Rule
    1 month ago

    FYI if you really want to know there’s a guy on YouTube (Kroft) that has done dozens of very good videos on the Alien movies. He breaks down what was said as it was in the original script. And it’s interesting and would have made a better movie, but I think Scott chickened out of the potential controversy.

    Long and short of it is that >!2000 years ago the Engineers had taken a human to their home world and trained him and enlightened him and sent him back to earth to spread the message but his compatriots nailed him to a cross.!<

    !The Engineers, therefore, decided that our race was a failed experiment and decided to exterminate us but their own weapons got away from them and killed them before they could pull it off.!<

    There’s more to it, but go watch Kroft’s videos if you want to know more.

  • Subverb@lemmy.worldto195@lemmy.world"Fuck No" Rule
    1 month ago

    Scott obviously hates scientists or is completely oblivious to how science works. The crew is the least scientific group of people ever assembled on film.

    The Prometheus cost a trillion dollars and Wayland is betting his life on the success of the mission, but off the top of my head:

    • The scientists aren’t told what their mission is until they arrive at their destination which is so ridiculous, but you can argue that’s what they signed up for, so okay. But that gives no one a chance to say “oh, then we should pack this odd piece of equipment.”
    • Wayland’s presence isn’t known to the crew, so no one is prepared as any sort of backup to David other than his daughter.
    • There’s one autodoc and it’s only configured for males so again… Travel to another star after spending a trillion dollars with no backup? But somehow it can perform a C-section on a female with an alien in her. Okay.
    • The pilot has to stand up? Really?
    • The atmosphere is breathable so on that alone they take their helmets off. Sigh.

    He should have brought the scientists and engineers that designed, tested and built the ship itself, because they were good.

    I mean the list is just goes on and on about how unscientific the mission is. There’s a whole cottage industry of youtubers pointing out the innumerable flaws in that movie.

    I mean seriously. What the fuck.