Isn’t it more work done over a day? One horse is able to maintain the work done by a one horsepower machine because the machine can work all day without tiring?
Isn’t it more work done over a day? One horse is able to maintain the work done by a one horsepower machine because the machine can work all day without tiring?
Only works for tar.gz. Remember there’s also tar.xz,, tar.bz2 and half have their own extractor flag. FUN. It’s usually J.
A miserable little pile of secrets, but enough talk.
I’m not sure how it is in the rest of the world, but in the United States typically graves are kept clear. In this cemetery as well all graves but this one were clear. It’s on the border between very interesting and mildly interesting. Additionally, with the size of that tree, it seems like it’s been growing since the grave was new so I wonder if it was intentional.
Seemed mildly interesting to me.
Anti-antifa only means you’re against the people claiming to be anti-fascist. It doesn’t mean you like fascism. Nor does being antifa mean everything you’re against is fascism.
Just ignore that general index funds have higher ROI.
Currently worth $650,000. I don’t think it’s off.
These rewrites in rust are merely just training exercises for those doing it. It wasn’t needed and in most cases isnt used.
Bring back balaclavas.
The recent article about kids getting arrested for words and it’s positive reception should give you a hint.
Memes are memes. Why you gotta police fucking jokes dude?
Also dealing with potential manslaughter charges or traffic tickets. You never know what’s around another car.
At the very least they’re calculating the tip from the pretax/pregratuity price. Most places seem to calculate the suggested tips from the after tax total. So they’re not complete scumbags. Only mostly scumbags.
Now for the next great question: Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Honestly it was just taking over my feed.
I’m glad I blocked it since it was just a bunch of circlejerking with no point.
Honestly the best side hustle is to better yourself and ultimately find a better primary hustle. Side hustles don’t do much more than steal your already limited leisure time.
This is why you never do it. Just too big a risk.