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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Unfortunately, those of us that make games in Unreal Engine are stuck writing a lot of C++, unless we want to do everything in BPs (no thanks, they’re fine, but it’s not coding, and it’s difficult to maintain and refactor for complicated projects, they’re good for taking C++ components and building bigger components out of the base C++ functionality though).

    With that said, UE’s support for C++ is decent. Which is, that as long as you tag all your fields, properties, methods, classes, etc. with some UnrealEngine attribute filter (like UCLASS or UPROPERTY), Unreal will handle the memory management of those constructs for you. Which is nice.

    Unfortunately it has some other limitations to the C++ language that you can’t work around, like disallowing pure abstracts because every C++ derivative class based on any UE construct (Actor, Character, Pawn, etc.) has to be instantiatable in the editor. So no pure abstracts and such.

    In general, I’d give it a 6/10.

    It’s still mostly C++, but some of the things suck less.

  • The pin holds a thing called the “spoon” in place. It’s secured with a hole in either side of it as it attaches to the “neck” of the grenade where the pin going through it secures the spoon to the neck of the grenade.

    When the pin is removed, the spoon is free to come away from the grenade. Usually this takes more than gravity, but not “too” much more. Sometimes the force of removing the pin is enough to rattle the spoon loose/off from the grenade neck, triggering the fuse, in the case of most frag grenades like the one pictured above, the fuse length is pre-cut to be around 4 seconds, until it reaches the payload of TNT at the core of the fragmentation casing, exploding.

  • Narcissists tend to sound the same, because it’s all lies about themselves and over inflating their own achievements because they can never get enough, have enough, do enough, etc.

    Hogan and trump both would have had legitimate things to be proud of/brag about during their hayday; but because they are the way they are, it was never enough. It always has to be about them, and they have to be the best at everything. Their ego is fragile and any challenge to anything they do is met with extreme aggression to try and hide the fact that most of their accomplishments are made up lies.

    Once you start down that path, you can’t walk it back without admitting to every one of the lies you’ve ever told. And they physically can’t do that. Like, their brain will not let them. You’ve seen trump try and acknowledge that he was lying by a judge and the best he can do is admit that the thing he’s saying ISN’T true, but he believes it SHOULD be true, so therefore why shouldn’t he be allowed to say what he personally believes is true, even if nobody else is willing to believe him? He knows that by saying it enough times, people will accept his lies as truth, there’s no reason for him to stop.

    Hogan’s the same way. All Narcissists are the same way. It’s their cornerstone behavior.

  • This was literally an “Ask Lemmy” question, which pulls on individual personal experience for responses, so I’m not sure what else you would have been expecting.

    I work with MBAs all day every day. Nonstop. They’re the vast majority of my touchpoints as a lifelong software engineer/DBA that manages several teams. I’ve been in the industry for 25+ years and have worked for multiple large (enterprise tier) medium, and small (startup) companies across multiple states including owning my own consulting company and interfaced directly with C-types that held nothing but MBAs.

    So, not uninformed, but it is anecdotal. In the sense that this matches my life experience for 25+ years of working closely with MBA types on hundreds of projects during that time. Someone else might have different experiences. But I’m here answering their question so I’m going to talk about my experiences.

    There’s plenty of MBA holders that are pragmatic and “normal”. However, at the top level, MBAs either attract, or turn people into narcissistic sociopaths, because the majority of narcissistic sociopaths I know and have worked with, hold MBAs.

    Take from that what you will.

    Edit: Apparently he took away a downvote. Getting a sneaking suspicion this guy might have an MBA. :) Not sure why you’re downvoting my life experiences, but sure guy. You win.

  • hahahahahahaahahaha


    Edit: Rather than being full snark (it was a genuinely funny question though), I’ll give a more thoughtful answer. The reason the answer is no, is because MBAs tend to attract narcissistic sociopaths. And the first thing they do in this situation, is blame someone else, not the degree, but the specific person.

    “If only he was a better MBA he would have kept the company focused on its core values”. That sort of thing.

    The thing a degree that’s held by the majority of Narcissists and Sociopaths in the world absolutely won’t do, is inflect.