Organic weed farmer and sci-fi enthusiast.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I do know about confirmation bias. Maybe that’s what is going on, but from my own perspective I don’t think so. Course if it was I guess I’d still feel that way 🤔

    If there was absolute proof that it was a waste of time I’d probably keep my decor because it’s all black pentagrams and shit and it’s metal as fuck, but Bizzle don’t dismiss evidence just because it disagrees with my worldview. I’m a weirdo, not a conservative 😂 Fortunately for my practice it’s pretty hard to prove that something doesn’t exist.

    As a counterpoint, if there was absolute proof of things beyond our physical reality- whether it’s Chaos Magick or the Universal Consciousness/God or even something as mundane as higher spacial dimensions, would you accept it? Or would you keep your eyes closed to the truth? Honestly the more we find out about the fundamental nature of reality the more convinced I am of the supernatural.

  • I practice Chaos Magick. Since beginning my practice, I’ve noticed that things usually go my way. Not always, but I get what I want so often- and in such unlikely circumstances- that it’s hard for me to just call it random chance.

    The thing about it, though, is that there is no empirical evidence for it. Some people, like myself, have no problem accepting that we can’t explain everything with science and data and math. Other people like to call themselves superior because they only believe what they can see for themselves.

    It’s arrogant to the point of hubris to think there’s nothing beyond our physical reality. And, frankly, when all reality really is is a bunch of randomly vibrating particles, I don’t think that inducing a change in conformity with one’s will is that far fetched.