A programmer with an interest in transit, making music, and building things of all types.

I have dysgraphia which makes writing difficult for me. I hope you can figure out what I mean despite my issues.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • What does normal mean in this context? There are many different languages in the world. Romance languages are all pretty similar, as are Germanic languages. English is a mix of Germanic and romantic languages, and very similar to both. Thus learning any romance or any Germanic language is fairly easy for someone who knows English. It is much more difficult to learn a language from a different family.

  • While I’m in theory limited, there are more things to do in life than study other cultures. I have a todo list that I honestly expect it would take me 3000 years to get to the end of. (I doubt medical science will give me anywhere near that long to live). That I can’t learn about some culture in depth because I haven’t learned the language yet - well learning their language is something I’ll get around to when I’m 1000 years old.

  • Spoken like a non engineer trying to justify bad life decisions. Calulas was far more valuable to me than the spanish I took.

    language does not give perspective. It makes it a little easier to consume some content or talk to some people. However if you don’t put forth the effort you won’t get that, mean while if you care to put forth the effort you don’t need to speak other languages to get perspectives. there are more perspectives from native english speakers than you will be able to consume

  • Culture will not allow a man to report being raped - there is a large double standard in play. Nobody will believes you would refuse sex with any female who wants it - even fundamentalists Christians won’t believe you while calling the girl a slut. The police are less likely to take you seriously if you do try (and many do not take rape seriously). Even if the second is not true where you live, the first almost certainly is.

    As such we don’t have good statistics. (We also have reason to believe women typically will not report being raped)

  • A terminal is something like a DEC model Vt220, or IBM 3270. These are physical machines with a keyboard, and a display. Most often the display was a CRT, but some were just a printer, I supposed some must have had a LCD but I’ve never seen one. A few did have a mouse, but that was rare. They might look like a computer, but they do not have a CPU (or they do but the CPU is very under powered). The point is you can have 100 cheap (cheap as in 4x the cost of a modern PC, without factoring in inflation) terminals connecting to an expensive powerful computer (expensive as in millions of not inflation adjusted dollars, powerful as in a modern smart phone is faster by nearly any measure). Every terminal had some special commands that programs could use to do something more fancy than plain text, but different ones had different abilities.

    These days a powerful PC is cheaper than any terminal could be and vastly more powerful than those old computers, so it doesn’t make sense to have one except as a collectors item. However terminals themselves did leave a useful of program design. Most command line programs know how to control a terminal to do some pretty printing. Thus we often use terminal emulators which let our computer pretend to be one of those old terminals. The DEC vt100 for whatever reason ends up being the most commonly emulated terminal when someone says terminal emulator - there really was a model vt100 terminal at one time.

    Note that a web browser counts as a terminal emulator by the above definition. Nobody thinks of them that way, but they fit.