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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • even setting aside the guys personal qualities he’s just a real turd of an actor. in recent memory he’s ruined or attempted to ruin suicide squad, blade runner 2049, and house of gucci. his performance in house of gucci is possibly one of the worst accents ive ever seen an actor commit to, hes literally doing a Mario impression for two hours.

    plus he’s a method actor, which is frankly ridiculous given the quality of his output, so whenever you see him on-screen playing like, a sea captain, you have to suffer with the knowledge that real people in his life probably had to watch him try to order hardtack and salt pork from a benihana’s

  • sure, but i guess what i mean is like, that’s why the meaning of the idiom is clear to me even having not tested or watched someone test what the actual effect of firing a gun into a barrel full of fish would be. if you were ever in a conversation, prior to watching that episode, wherein someone used the idiom to describe a task, and you were like “oh, you mean that’ll be easy, because the shockwave from a gun shot would kill all of the fish in a barrel at the same time”, before you watched the mythbusters episode, i guess you’re a lot smarter than me

  • yeah i found this comic so opaque that i had to go look up the artist

    it turns out that this is an explicitly christian comic where each strip is accompanied by a bible verse. the theme of this one is “love must hate evil” and it’s accompanied by Ezekiel 33:11, Proverbs 6:16-19 and Luke 13:3

    it sort of explains why you get that weird feeling when you read it, because the point of the comic is not to be funny but to communicate some kind of moralistic lesson, and the straight-line clarity with which the comics do that is in direct conflict of the normal subversion of expectations that typically makes things funny

    that said, basically all of the comics that deal with death are to me unintentionally hilarious because i do not share the worldview that dying and going to heaven is like, a net positive




    all in all this was a kind of fun little excursion into something i would absolutely never have looked at otherwise. i’m gonna go ahead and just not try to look into what the artist thinks about gay people so that this can be a positive memory for me lol