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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024


  • I’m not downvoting, but the fact that kernel malware games don’t work is a feature to me. It would be a full time job to keep from installing anything that demands obscene access for no legitimate reason on Windows. “It doesn’t work” is way easier.

    Pretty much everything else on Steam works without effort.

  • Usually “expensive money” means that it’s hard to borrow.

    “Devalued” refers to purchasing power. “How much food will $1 buy me?”

    They’re describing different things. In terms of the economic relationships that result in the current scenario, I’m not even going to try. Ignoring that we don’t really know and a lot of traditional economics rely on the assumption that actors are rational (which we now know is absurd), I’m far from an expert in macro-economic theory. Systems are complicated.

  • I promise you the expected value of a monitor or TV after a GPU purchase is 100x higher minimum.

    Your examples are many orders of magnitude below 1%. They know who already has returned a product, and instigating a return is not a profitable outcome. There are a very low percentage of people who would buy a card then immediately buy the same card for a friend/partner, but there are almost zero who would be instigated by an ad to buy a different GPU in that scenario. Of the people who would buy a card, be satisfied, then buy one for someone else, very few of them would do so because of an ad.

    Ads affect behavior in enough harmful ways that I prevent effectively any exposure to them, but they’re not actually magic. .0001% that they are exposed to the subset of the .0001% of people who are interested in buying a GPU for someone as a result of a personal purchase that wouldn’t have done it without an ad isn’t worth it. But people actually do buy related products.

  • I don’t want anything automated. I just want to be able to do it manually with a database that handles all of the metadata and organization and literally no folders but the top level one containing every file. Calibre’s insistence on me either having incorrect author information or splitting everything with multiple authors into unique folders for every combination is most of the reason I can’t stand it. The actual bulk editing tools are good. The end result of a mess of folders isn’t.

    I’m not OK with folders, especially nested folders.