JID (Jabber/XMPP, a federated messenger from 1999, get off my lawn matrix): cwagner@cwagner.me

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I don’t understand this. Telling someone to vote with their wallet is not helping. The equivalent would be that a victim was „told“ to defend themselves. I am saying we shouldn’t put the responsibility on the victim but the aggressor.

    It tells them to do something. Yes, it sucks that there are assholes. Be they companies, or people beating others. But if everyone just shrugs their shoulder, they’ll never go away. Some can’t “vote with their wallet”, or defend themselves, as you say. But many can. And they should.

  • Your edit doesn’t change my reply, though. I see your argument closer to “a victim of a beating can’t defend themselves, so none of the bystanders should help them either”.

    I can only asssume why the technique hasn’t worked for a long time. But taking the example from social media where it would be voting with your feet (leaving), the product markets for games are defined. And in these markets, I recon the majority is vulnerable, so yes. It is most likely the majority.

    Now this is where we’ll have to disagree (as I doubt there is any useful data), you think it might be the majority, I think people simply don’t care enough once it’s about more than talking about it, just like with most things in life.