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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023


  • It feels like a bit of ‘old internet’ died with him, where he’s always been an internet optimist and someone who has lived through basically all of it. He stuck to his principles through all of it. And I guess that has become a rarified breed.

    Him taking a step back feels like a bit of that old internet of the curiosity, community and creativity of the early days of the internet go with him. Mind you he’s not going anywhere except the people he cares about and I completely understand the choice he made, and I only wish the best for him, so this is just me attempting to explain why it feels so confronting and kind of sad. For me it goes beyond ‘oh there just won’t be anymore of those videos then’, which I can live with although it would be sad to see those go. It’s his personality that has, through the entire history of youtube and the many, many changes it went through, stuck to the principles of its first ever users. Be curious, be authentic, and generally just try shit out and see if it works.

    I’m sure that core of the personality he showed on screen will never really go away, other people will carry that torch. But it’s ok to be a little sad to see someone wave off like this. It shows us all how much we enjoyed it all these years.

    Also as a MINOR sidenote on the meme, he never refused to explain, you couldn’t stop this man from explaining if you tried lol

  • I’m unable to retrieve the link to his tweets at this time (mobile) but the author of the article has said that IH has not reached out to either him or mentalfloss.

    IH also did not communicate about him reuploading a new version. The author was told of this by the many people emailing him following Hbomb’s exposé.

    The author has not, to my knowledge, said anything about his following steps, but I assume they will have to at least decide on whether to issue another DMCA for the reupload.

    I do hope he, and they (mentalfloss) decide to pursue further legal action. IH’s actions are uconscionable, and a precedent has already been set with the taking down of the first video. The second video is by far not enough of a transformative work that it would shield him from the same thing happening again.

  • Hey that’s so cool, I hope nobody steals your writing in the US or I don’t know, Bahrain, because good luck I guess! A hobby writer such as yourself should be better informed than this, but you won’t do it yourself and I’m done having to hold your hand while you thrash around whining about your favorite youtuber getting their due. (A youtuber btw with a pretty on the nose anti SJW/pro 4chan background, maybe reconsider on that account)

    Again, deeply misinformed.

  • The current reupload is still a poorly credited rewording of Riley’s article, and it still lifts the article wholesale in wording, structure, facts and research. Even the pacing is the same.

    IH didn’t come clean about the copyright infringement, choosing to instead dodge any questions regarding the matter. Now if this was just some spat between creators that we didn’t need to get into as an audience, that wouldn’t be as much of an issue. But the problem with copyright is, either you credit publicly and clearly, or you will be called out for it publicly. It is the same in academia, where a lot of this rigor stems from in the first place. I’m entirely sure the author could claim the current reupload. We won’t know if they have had contact before this version was reuploaded, but we can safely assume they didn’t have any contact whatsoever to greenlight his first upload.

    Addressing transgressions like this is also necessary, if not vital, to the YouTube and creator ecosystem that also has to keep itself in check. If you step out of line, you risk this very thing happening. And then it doesn’t matter if it is 2 days or six months or three years, or even older (as Hbomber also points out, there was some deeply racist stuff in IH’s uploads that have since been deleted).


    Just watch the video dude


  • … at the time the company that held the IP dmca’d the video, and it takes a while to make a 4 hour video? Also when the video was taken down by legal action, other people uploaded it and found out what was really happening that way. Even when the video was struck, IH didn’t come clean about his transgressions. What is your argument here really?

    And if copyright infringement like this doesn’t concern you, that’s fine it doesn’t have to. But there are certain rules that content creators are deemed to follow, lest they run into this exact criticism. You can scoff and scowl at that fact, but that won’t make that simple reality disappear.

    And for what it’s worth, lifting the entire article near verbatim in a video you then make money off of without so much as crediting it is, at best, shitty, and at worst a crime. Do with that what you will, but it certainly isn’t a fly.

    You strike me as someone who will not engage with this in good faith and who will instead just root for Internet Historian come hell or DMCA. You could prove me wrong but I mostly wrote the above for passers-by.

  • Hbomberguy posted a video going into sime egregious examples of plagiarism. In it, he shows how Internet Historian plagiarized an article for his Man in Cave video, sometimes literally word for word for long sections of the video, occasionally only changing words or just scrambling sentences. Neither the original author of the article, nor the medium were credited for their work. This is why Man in Cave suddenly disappeared, then went unlisted for a while, before returning but in a much worse state than before. It is a blatant form of plagiarism that verges on outright copyright infringement.

    I don’t blame you for not being on the up and up on this whole thing, Hbomber’s video just dropped today and it’s 4 hours long. This is me giving the context that the other guy didn’t give.

    I do hope IH addresses it.