Honestly, don’t try to force it. I’ve been gaming for 40 years, and I’ve been through more ruts than I can count. And you know what? I’ve always come back…
But I’ve never been able to force myself to come back. I’ve never been able to engineer a new interest, it always has to happen organically. Some new game will pique my interest out of the blue, or I’ll get see a new piece of hardware I suddenly want, or I’ll wake up one morning and really want to get into speed running Dark Souls. And then, just like that, I’m back in it and as enthusiastic as ever.
Interests come and go. It’s probably more a product of everything else in your life than the games themselves. So just let it ride, find something else to do with your time, and you’ll be back gaming before you know it.
Coding isn’t for everyone, but sometimes you can get involved in a coding project just by contributing good suggestions/bug reports to github.
Be thoughtful about how you report things - if you’re reporting a bug, add as much detail as you can to help the devs recreate it; if you’re suggesting a feature, make a solid case for why the application might benefit from it, think about potential issues it might solve (or cause), consider how you might address users who don’t want that feature (make optional).
It is extremely satisfying to see an issue you’ve reported get fixed or a feature you’ve suggested get implemented. It gives you a stake in the project, something you won’t often get on the corporate-owned platforms.