There is actually a lot of scientific evidence to back this up. Many male prostitutes will undergo a natural transformation where their penis turns into a breakfast burrito, so they can charge for the night and then again for food in the morning.
There is actually a lot of scientific evidence to back this up. Many male prostitutes will undergo a natural transformation where their penis turns into a breakfast burrito, so they can charge for the night and then again for food in the morning.
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If you’re going to point fingers, point at the problem, not something you don’t understand.
Wayland has problems; it is not the problem. X needs a replacement and I strongly encourage you to research why if you don’t understand why. Wayland is relatively new, and has large shoes to fill.
It will be many years before it has matured enough to fill your and everyone else’s needs, and by then there will a new replacement for someone else to gripe about on the internet.