• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


    1. Yes, you can share location, the widgets aren’t as fancy as Google integration with everything.

    2. Not feasible without the constant data harvesting in the background, which it doesn’t do. It doesn’t log your every move as Google does. Privacy vs surveillance, will always be at odds.

    3. Depending on the area. In my country public transportation is way better on OSM than on Gmaps. Oftentimes Gmaps won’t even have large structures like train stations or bus terminals. It depends on users and contributors.

  • It’s a crash log, not an error log. It’s probably dumping the entire memory stack to text instead of a bin dump every time it crashed. I would also suspect the crash handler is appending to the log instead of deleting old crashes and just keeping the latest. At several dozen gigas of RAM it would just take a couple of game crashes to fill up the 300GB.

  • dustyData@lemmy.worldtoUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.worldQueen sucks
    19 days ago

    My unpopular opinion is that inverting upvotes for unpopular opinion is stupid and only creates confusion. It was stupid on Reddit and it is even stupider on Lemmy. If an opinion is unpopular and you disagree with it, you should downvote it and reflect its popularity correctly. If you get super upvoted you failed because it means your opinion isn’t unpopular at all and it is actually shared by a lot of people.

  • An old Pentium III an extended family member had burned itself out of disrepair. The computer was used for about a decade before being forgotten, but plugged in for some other 5 years. Then they had the bright idea of using the old computer without cleaning it. It all went well for a while it boot up and otherwise was it old win7 self. Except, a couple of days later they let it on overnight. The house owner was awaken alarmed by the fumes of burning plastic and a faint trail of smoke coming from the case.

    The over a decade buildup of dust had been trapping heat so bad that some old shoddy HDD power cable melted partially exposing the conducting wires. Then it short circuited and arced through the dust setting some lint on fire.

    The flame was minuscule and it was controlled fast. But I would say that, it is indeed wise to clean your computers, at least once in a while.

  • Yes, any proto-whatever theory is colonialist in essence. It’s a very heated argument in anthropology, sociology and social psychology. The current consensus is that it is only valid for the indo-european migration, and a version exist for the proto-sino-tibetan migration. But, we understand that it can only be claimed to apply thus far, and with all sorts of modern ideological biases and caveats. Both language and religion are extremely complex social phenomena that have independently appeared all throughout history. And every time they have their very unique and distinct qualities. There’s no unified tree of languages that has enough evidence to be authoritative. And there’s no such linear derivation equivalent for religion. It is all just pop-sci feefees.

  • This is colonial thinking. “Civilization just happens to be the natural evolution of what I am doing. Your ways are barbarian backwards savagery”. It is the same logic.

    There’s nothing natural or linear in religious belief. Catholicism itself is fragmented into hundreds of sects, and so is every single religion ever to have existed. Adapted to the particular capricious vanities of the local clergy and the established local customs. Christians taking some Jewish elements was just a manipulation tactic. I’m also sure some Islam sects would behead you for suggesting that Islam is a derivative of Christianity. The theory of a proto religion is also wrong, we know for a fact that not all of modern religions started from the same proto-belief, but ancient religions are actually quite varied and distinct.

  • Ok, this is a sidetrack but hear me out. Floppy disks would make awful coasters. A coaster has to be somewhat absorbent to avoid spilling condensation water on the table. This is why cork is the most popular material for coasters. The best coasters are a cloth top over a cork shape with a plastic rim and a felt bottom. This ensures total protection to the table and gives enough freedom to be creative with shapes, prints, colors and figures. The novelty printed plastic disks are the worst coasters possible, and floppy disks will only drip all over the table defeating the purpose of a coaster.

  • Nice strawmans. You are really good at constructing them. I’m against cars, but I fight against the culprits, oil and manufacturing companies and corrupt politicians who run car centric policies under billionaires lobbying. I don’t attack people who are forced into a lifestyle that leaves them no healthy avenues for mental health or that deprives them of healthier life choices. Yours is the logic that criminalize the homeless for sleeping in their cars in a public parking lot. You get out with your twisted logic. This is not about being cruel to the people forced to depend on cars, it is against the system that forces us all into that unhealthy lifestyle.

  • Never let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Do you want to do the thing or do you want to stress about the thing for days, delay it for months while you save up then suffer regret anxiety about whether it was the correct choice? For a lot of people the latter is the part they enjoy about the hobby. For others it isn’t worth the time and resources requires, they’d rather do the thing now with what they have and enjoy it as it is. Where does the inflection point lies between hassle and enjoyable results is personal and everyone has different criteria for different goals and contexts, and that is OK.

  • You’re the one being bad faith all over this post. But anyways, what I really wanted to comment is that it might be a unhealthy coping mechanism, but oftentimes it is the only one people have. Specially in the context of the US, people can’t afford mental health care and a lot of people are overworked to the point they don’t have any energy left to exercise. Just let them have their private alone time, you’re a weirdo commenting on other’s habits while displaying absolutely zero empathy to other’s struggles.

  • Lesson time. In security strategy we have the risk equation. The calculated risk of something is the magnitude of the harm it could potentially do, times the probability of it actually happening, all divided by any prevention measures you have or can take. Nothing is perfectly or inherently safe or unsafe, you always have to calculate the risks taking into account all the factors, and balance risk against operative costs. There’s a lot of economic value in a low risk system that doesn’t require much intervention or maintenance.

  • Stop playing AAA slop. There I fixed video games for you. To overfixate on the hype and marketing machine will only make you miserable and poison your brain with stupid ideas like “the problem with video games”. Video games are an extremely broad set of experiences. A digital implementation of a board game is a video game, and a painstakingly detailed simulation of the operations of an airliner down to waiting in real time for refuel is also a video game. And there’s an audience with taste for both and every other of the hundreds of genres that exist. A problem with one hyper specific genre of video games is not a problem with video games.