• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Water will reach its own level so to speak, if a developer releases a game that is far too much for a majority of gamers to run, those gamers won’t buy the game and it won’t sell. Obviously that also isn’t always necessarily true, but enough terribly optimized games have released recently to be met with 40% rating on Steam that I’d like to think this is the case. Are some developers going to do it anyway? Absolutely, but that’s true regardless. I think that no matter what, indie developers will always tend to keep their games lightweight either by principle or by design necessity, and bigger game studios would also sorta get the message and keep their games reasonable. With obvious exceptions… goddamn 400 GB games these days.

  • The cutscenes were rendered using certain graphics settings that you could exceed if you maxed out your own settings. Plus, because it was a pre-rendered video, there must have been some compression or something, as you could just tell when you’re in a cutscene-- it was grainier and there was a smidge of artifacting. Don’t quote me on this, but I believe the cutscenes were rendered at, like, 1080p, and if you were playing at 4K it would be a very noticeable downgrade. (Note that I did not and still do not have a 4K monitor)

    Although thinking about it again, I do vividly remember some in-game-engine cutscenes in Arkham Knight. I’ll have to replay that game again sometime to jog my memory.

  • Then the arm could slide the magnet upwards to detach, reposition it, and repeat.

    This would work, but this is the point where you’d need to involve an external energy source. If you move the truck-magnet-arm system such that the whole system reaches a steady state and the truck has “moved” (relative to an outside observer), to continue any motion, you need to disturb the steady state to reposition the arm and create a new resting point. Doing so would require energy. From a battery, or an engine, or whatever, but you need energy from an external source. And so we’re right back to where we started: instead of all this jazz, why not just spend energy to spin the wheels instead?