• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • grue@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlYup...i can confirm that
    3 days ago

    I learned Python after I already knew C, and I will forever be grateful for that.

    I took an Operating Systems class in undergrad whose first assignment was to implement a simple web server in C, and it was fine. Later, I took the same prof’s grad-level class and had to do basically the same assignment again, and all I could think was “wow, this is incredibly tedious: this whole thing would be literally two lines of Python.” Python absolutely ruined my patience for writing C (or at least, for writing C socket code that has to manually juggle IPv4 and v6 struct addrinfos and whatnot).

  • This situation you describe is legitimately one of my greatest fears as a parent. I have little useful advice to give; all I can really say is “good luck” and to research terms like “elsagate,” “gamergate” and “PewDiePipeline” to see what advice actual experts (psychologists etc.) have about deprogramming kids from them.

    I was raised allowed to moderate my own content because I was trusted to be intelligent and wise enough to critically select what I watched or read and learn from the mistakes I made if I consumed something negatively influential.

    I was raised allowed to moderate my own content because my computer-illiterate parents had absolutely no clue what the Internet was capable of exposing me to. Frankly, it was only dumb luck on their part that I happened to have the right personality and skills not to succumb to inceldom, the Alt-Right, or some other kind of radicalization.

    (Even more frankly, maybe I did succumb to radicalization: I am, after all, an urbanist leftist Linux user (among other weird things) who likes to hang out on Lemmy, LOL!)

  • grue@lemmy.worldtoStar Trek@startrek.websiteWorst examples of Treknobabble
    12 days ago

    JJ-Trek, hands down. From “red matter” to interstellar transporter beams to Khan’s magic blood.

    The reason it’s so bad is that it’s fucking plot holes galore. By the end of Star Trek (2009), starships are obsolete. By the end of Into Darkness, everyone should be immortal.

    Treknobabble is supposed to serve the plot, but this shit undermines the entire premise instead. It’s ridiculous!

  • Just out of curiosity, what region are you from?

    Because where I’m from – which is only a few dozen miles from Winder, by the way – calling somebody “white trash” very definitely can have an extra layer of connotation that merely calling them a “trashy person” does not.

    Specifically, because of how closely correlated race and class are around here due to all the institutional racism (both historical and ongoing), calling somebody “white trash” doesn’t necessarily just mean “trashy,” it means –
    and please forgive for risking coming across as racist in my attempt to describe other people’s racism – “living like a black person.” The idea is that black people, as an underclass, are trashy by nature, so by invoking a racial comparison the person using the phrase isn’t just saying the object of their insult is trashy, but is also “othering” them and contemptuously scolding them for failing to uphold the class standard racists expect of them as a white person.

    And yes, that applies to “rich white trash,” too: when a racist’s worldview is that even the richest black person is inherently inferior to even the poorest white person, to call a person “white trash” is to consign them to the lowest class of society no matter how rich they are.

    Also, please note that I’m not saying that everybody who uses the phrase “which trash” is a racist! The connotation I’m describing is highly context-dependent. In other words, just because some shitty kinfolk of a murderer in Georgia are highly offended at being accused of being associated with blackness because they were called “white trash” by randos from elsewhere in the country, doesn’t mean said randos actually meant it that way.

    Nevertheless, regardless of what some people mean and how other people interpret them, the bottom line is that using that phrase in this context injects race and class issues into the matter that don’t deserve to be there and do nothing but distract from any legitimate goal anyone here might have, whether that be throwing the book at murderous fuckwits, reforming gun laws, trying to fix the root causes of domestic abuse and school bullying, or otherwise.

  • No, it’s true: these parents/perps are genuinely not “white trash.”

    “White trash” implies that they’re poor, uneducated, or otherwise disadvantaged – in other words, it paints the situation as a class issue and implies that they deserve some non-zero amount of sympathy for the circumstances that led to this.

    On the contrary: the killer’s parents were middle-class and would be considered “normal,” if not for their evil ideology, fucked-up priorities, and anti-social behavior. They deserve no sympathy and no leniency. The kid himself might, as the victim of their abuse, but the parents sure as Hell don’t!

    Bringing up “white trash” as a talking point (even by denying it, unprovoked) is a misdirection. Don’t fall for it!

  • What you’re looking at is a policy failure on multiple levels:

    1. Car-dependency in general, both in terms of transportation planning (making a stroad) and zoning (allowing the business to have a drive-thru to begin with).
    2. Failing to validate the capacity of the site design before approving it (yes, I know this was opening day – but several drive-thrus near me overflow out onto the street every day, even after having been open for years, so this kind of failure is definitely a thing!).
    3. Failure to have the police show up to clear the traffic and ticket everyone blocking the road (possibly as well as the business itself).