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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Between 2 and n “hexbears” (understood to mean “humans afflicted with hexbear mind virus using other servers”) are behaving in some coordinated way. You were pretty clearly implying that it’s some conspiracy rather than simply other users disagreeing with you.

    Lol what are you on about? People who use hexbear (i.e. hexbears) share similar traits, interests, and behaviors. They use hexbear because they fit in on hexbear, and in order to fit in on hexbear you need to pass an extensive series of ideological purity tests, which result in the homogeneity and cult-like behavior that occurs.

    Hexbear is quite explicit about this, they don’t want anyone with any sort of divergent political views on their server. They clearly revel in “dunking on libs” by chain downvoting and harassing people when they say things that the hexbear hive mind disagrees with. And yet always claim innocence when their obvious brigading is called out, as you are currently doing.

    It is a real problem for everyone who’s not a hexbear, because it means that we can’t have sane, civil conversations about certain political issues on Lemmy, because CCP apologists and edgelord larping teenage “leftists” constantly butt in and derail the discussion with their potent combination of ignorance and self righteousness.

  • I never asserted that “anyone downvoting must be a hexbear alt”. There you go again, misrepresenting my point just to feel like you’re winning.

    I’m quite sure that non-hexbears are downvoting OP also. But that wasn’t what you said, was it? You could have said that originally, but instead you decided to mock OP and act like he’s crazy and there’s no way he is getting downvoted by hexbear users, which is disingenous and lame.

    You know what you’re doing, I don’t need to explain your own bad faith tactics to you.

  • I dunno what that guy was thinking, but it seems obvious to me that nuclear fusion is the long term solution for energy generation.

    Nuclear fission not so much, but it’s definitely debatable which has more fundamental flaws between fission and wind/hydro/solar. All renewable energy sources ultimately depend on natural processes which are not reliable or permanent. And they also tend to disrupt the environment to some extent.

    Nuclear fission has no such limitations, but instead trades long term risk for short term stability. Basically renewable sources are and always will be somewhat unreliable, and Nuclear fission is the least bad reliable energy source to pair with the renewables. So in the medium term, fission makes a lot more sense than fossil fuels, and in the long term we should be looking to fusion.

  • imaqtpie@lemmy.myserv.onetoMemes@lemmy.mlGet Bread Get Dead
    10 months ago

    That’s a pretty stupid conclusion to draw. You have no idea why the hedge fund passed on the investment, and the only reason you conclude it’s because Bezos was bad at his job is because you personally don’t like him. And more to the point, because you want to get upvoted in this thread.

    It’s just an amateurish, embarrassing argument. If you want to skewer billionaires there are plenty of legitimate gripes, but it’s self-evident that most billionaires are pretty damn good at their jobs, hence the success. Sure they’re also lucky and privileged, but there are tons of other people with the same privileges that accomplish nothing.

    This meme is just pure brain rot tbh. Do better Lemmy 😤

  • I have read them, and there is no evidence. You clearly don’t need evidence over there, anything a hexbear account says is the absolute truth, and anything from another server is absolute fascism. You guys don’t concern yourself with the details or nuances in life.

    Let’s have a look at the defederation announcement about sh.itjust.works. Keep in mind this was less than 48 hours after you voluntarily voted to federate with us, expecting to abuse and overwhelm our userbase like you had already done to many smaller servers. Unfortunately, you didn’t realize that we were larger than you and thus less susceptible to being drowned out by the brigading, which led to a quick tactical retreat by your fearless leaders.


    Firstly, opening up by calling us sh.itsfulla.chuds and sh.itholefor.nazis. Very mature and rational behavior from an admin 👏

    Multiple instances of ableist and homophobic slurs directed at our users

    I personally witnessed a hexbear user throwing a shit fit about people using the word “crazy”. Apparently that’s an ableist slur. Woopdee-doo

    overwhelming litigiousness against even the most innocuous comments by our users, and just a general ethos of reactionary behavior. We’re done and out.

    Lmao, I guess my point is self evident here. A lot of big words that convey absolutely no information about what specifically was objectionable about the behavior of sh.itjust.works users. I’d love if you could explain to me how “overwhelming litigiousness” and “a general ethos of reactionary behavior” are grounds for defederation 😂

    I have also read the things that hexbear users have said about everybody else, and quite frankly they are the most nakedly racist and xenophobic comments on the entirety of Lemmy. Imagine having the gall to use the most hateful and dehumanizing language towards white people as a matter of principle, and then turn around and get all butthurt at a “racist” meme of Xi Jinping as Winnie the Pooh. Try to rationalize that one for me, because I can’t seem to figure it out