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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Their bed nucleus of the stria terminalis should be twice as large as a woman’s, and that’s what guided their gender identities. Not that I’m a biological determinist, just a strict physicalist with no belief in metaphysical choice superceding determinism, but a lot of times the brain’s development has recursive feedback loops such that smaller choices early on can alter the size of brain structures along with sex hormones and the development environment in the womb or even outside of it for a while, the earlier the more significant. All I know is that the size of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis is pretty consistently twice the size in men as it is in women regardless of the gender assigned at birth.

  • Sounds painful with a high possibility of breaking bones then drowning while conscious. I’d recommend an inert gas that’s not CO2 and readily available, like nitrogen or something (CO2 buildup in the blood is what gives the sensation of suffocation). If you’re worried about people finding you and a mess, get an enema and stay a bit dehydrated first, and also ensure your body’s found within the first 2-3 days if possible (the first thing your corpse does is shit itself, and rot sets in pretty quickly).

    This of course presumes you’re making the decision to end yourself while of sound mind, not in some panic, feeling trapped or completely hopeless. There’s usually a way out that’s not as permanent and can lead to future positive interactions that make continued living worth the pain. That said, I’ll never judge someone whose pain outweighs their will to live.

  • Depends on the wasp, “wasp” includes so many species you might as well say “mammals aren’t good they’re useless and ontologically evil and deserve nothing but death” except there’s like 20x more species of wasp. Only a few wasp species sting, and those can go fuck themselves, but the rest are pretty cool pollinators or parasites of other insects (some of those insects harmful to humans, even). There’s a species of wasp that’s so small it’s 186 μm long on average (smaller than many amoebae), a few of them fit into and parasitize insect eggs, and during development remove the nuclei from their neurons so their brains can fit. They’re pretty cool tbh.

  • I just don’t understand why these little details are a big deal. If people want things and it doesn’t hurt anybody then let them have it, who cares? If you want to label yourself trans because it communicates that you’d rather be something other than the gender assigned at birth, sounds good to me. The subsets of that are mostly details that explain how you’re trans to someone curious. Why does it need to be more complicated than that?