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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • The new animated Spider-man movies were awesome, fucking loved it. Also Deadpool still seems to keep up the quality when comparing the first to. The boys also rock, I just hope the show doesn’t drag on too long. I’d say superhero media still has good stuff, it’s just way more saturatred, so good stuff has to stand out somehow.

  • Hmm… I’ve stopped watching Marvel after the endgame, I just felt oversaturated with superhero stories. Never recovered.

    I’ve never really liked Star wars. I was exposed to it at an age where all I cared was cool action sequences and the prequels did it better. Tried watching the new ones and they were just boring.

    Pixar seems to be doing fine? The second inside out was fine. I mean it’s more of the same as the first one, but it’s a good kids movie. Not sure about their other stuff, but I don’t recall anything particularly bad.

  • I’m the kind of user that cares about function over form, so everything in Windows 11 just annoyed me. Mainly because it was just changes in design that required me to reorient and to learn to use again with no good reason.
    I still use Windows at work just because our whole dev stack is on Windows. And every new design change just gets in my way. An OS should enable me do the things that I need and want, it should move out of my way. Sure I’ve added some hacks to restore the functionality I was used to. But the fact that I need to fight the OS to bring back context menus annoys me to no end.

    Also, as a dev, I find many things easier done on Linux that Windows, mainly because it just has a better CLI support. It’s not as bad now with Windows terminal, winget and other improvements (dotnet having a proper CLI interface), however I still mostly use git-bash for common stuff like searching the file system. Not to mention that for something like docker I basically just need WSL.

  • I use logseq for work notes and Obsidian for personal. Obsidian is more markdown which I like for my loose notes. logseq, on the other hand, is more focused on productivity and it’s fully opensource. Obsidian is only free for personal use, however their notes being closer to standart markdown means that they could be openned with any text editor and be just as functional.

    Syncing between computers is easy – it’s just a git repo. Dealing with mobile is tricier but I never needed it so can’t comment much.

  • Can I partition /home directory in a different drive and still fuction?

    Transferring /home directory without reinstalling Linux?

    I would say yes and yes.

    Best way to partition my / and /home directories?

    While I didn’t do it on Fedora with KDE, I did it on Ubuntu GNOME. I can’t imagine the process being much different. You basically just need to set up a partition, mount it on /home and copy the files, after all /home directory is nothing special, it just contains files.

    Now my setup involved setting up an encrypted partition and then mapping it via LVM. Your milage may wary, but the process should be rather straigthforward with some google’ing and messing around.

  • And that is the different premise for the social network.

    You do have the equivalent choice here.

    If you want Facebook, go to Facebook. It’s not worse or better it’s different.

    Well Facebook is worse, but the reasons are corporate not design issues (it’s more complicated than that, but that’s beyond the point).

  • I’ve never been on Twitter. Besides Reddit I really disliked all other main platforms. So answering your question: I don’t care, it’s a different platform for different style of social media interactions.

    the Internet is forever

    My position has nothing to do with this sentiment. Internet forgets, and often.

    I like federated nature of Lemmy, I like that there is no “private” accounts. This is a feature not a bug.

    I’m not trying to argue against privacy, but what you are describing isn’t a privacy issue or an issue at all. It’s a design element. And it’s this design is why I like it here.

    As someone here has said, at some point the responsibility has to fall on the user. You don’t need to share anything. As long as the nature of the platform is clear (and it’s a separate discussion) the is no issue to be fixed.

    If to you that is seems as an issue, well then maybe you are at the wrong place. And if the platform changes in the direction I don’t agree, I will leave.