When I get bored with the conversation/tired of arguing I will simply tersely agree with you and then stop responding. I’m too old for this stuff.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2024


  • Nazis and incels need to be dealt with, yes, but the important thing to keep in mind is they are symptomatic of suffering swaths of the population. People don’t just do hate because it’s fun.

    We let big businesses and the rich steamroll entire communities and industries, pay lip service to helping people who’ve been damaged by capitalism, and then after the election cycles are over leave their communities to rot. They are desperate and turn to the wrong answers because there aren’t any others.

    We allow entertainment and advertising to blast our society with a particular view of what relationship “success” is, and accept mockery of those who cannot thrive in that narrow definition due to social anxiety or other mental issues as fair game. Those men are desperate and turn to the wrong answers because there aren’t any others.

    Yes, Nazis and incels are absolutely awful, hateful problems that must be dealt with. And by the time they reach that point, I’d argue they probably can’t be saved. But they don’t fall out of the sky. They come from normal people whose cries for help went unheard, sometimes for decades, or generations. They’re the product of systemic injustices that we can mitigate with outreach programs and getting serious about mitigating the social problems that create the soil they spring from. Stopping them is a necessary band-aid, but the real solution is to address the situations that allow them to thrive in the first place.

  • My Nvidia card won’t properly resume the display after suspend with the default suspend script, but if I correct the script file, every time aptitude updates the nvidia drivers, it restores the bad version of the configuration file. If you set the file immutable with chattr, aptitude throws a fit and goes into a broken state when it can’t overwrite the file on a driver update.

    So I keep a good copy of the script file in the directory, and in my pre-suspend script file I overwrite the main suspend script with the good version. Every single time.

  • For the athletes, it’s a not a waste of time and effort.

    For the hosting countries/cities?

    They cost a TON of time and money, and it’s a dubious proposition that the host cities ever recover that investment. Olympic villages are also rarely the best possible use of prime land, and often involve buying up and gentrifying entire neighborhoods for the purpose of building the facilities, and for the duration of the event, and the planning leading up to it, your city basically gives up autonomy to an organization that spends your resources as if they were their own in order to create a platform to sell advertising rights in the guise of sportsmanship. For the Olympics to be more sustainable and less corrupted by commercial interests, they should focus less on spectacle and expenditure and rely more on existing infrastructure.

    Furthermore, while sport is an important and noble endeavor, it is by no means any more important than any other human endeavor, and every four years we have to be exposed to the intersection of sports and politics in discussions about nations that, for example, allow medalists to avoid conscription or escape poverty in various countries in exchange for bringing national prestige, and rarely do we take the opportunity to discuss what this says about our priorities, simply accepting the elevated prestige we place on this particular sporting event without question.

    In short, I don’t agree their cancellation would cause NOTHING of value to be lost, but the Olympics as an event in its current incarnation has PLENTY worth reevaluating, and we could all benefit greatly from reexamining its scale and role.