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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Yep and that’s fair, but it’s still really critical that those of us that can migrate do so. It’s a chicken and egg problem. Developers won’t feel pressured to support Linux if there’s no sizable user base, but the user base won’t grow until developers provide support for Linux. He even mentions that in that video. There’s a reason I’m only this year planning on switching my primary desktop from Windows to Linux and it’s because of how good Proton has gotten. I’ve already checked every game in my Steam library and while it’s not 100% of the library that runs, everything that doesn’t is something I don’t care about.

  • Nah, Linux still only accounts for about 2% of all users on Steam (active per month) so it has a long way to go still, but at least it’s heading in the right direction. If you count only English speaking Steam users that number climbs to over 5%. If Linux can get to and reliably maintain 10% that’s probably good enough to make it a first class target for even AAA releases, but it’s not there yet. The fact that so many games run fine under Linux these days is almost entirely down to the effort Valve has sunk into Proton making it relatively easy for devs to check Steamdeck support off without needing to really put much work in at all.

  • We don’t need everyone to migrate, just enough that companies and developers feel obligated to support Linux. We’re slowly getting there. Valve throwing their weight behind Linux for gaming was a massive win for Linux. Another important factor is the rise of the mobile first generations and the fact that at its core Android is Linux based. It’s not completely trivial to port an Android app to Linux but it’s at least no worse than porting it to Windows.

    Microsoft may still have a stranglehold on corporate desktops, but they’ve long since lost the battle for servers and their hold on the home desktop is slipping a little more each day. Losing a significant chunk of gamers to Linux would be a massive blow to MS because it has been one of the few really unassailable markets for them historically.

  • Hmm, so do you think the brown shirts are being played by the GOP or the Christian nationalists, or some other group under the MAGA umbrella? I could certainly see an argument either way there although I kind of lean towards it being the Christian nationalists. Trump has never really cared in any meaningful way about Christians, he just finds them to be an incredibly gullible group that are easy to manipulate and freely donate to those that know how to push their buttons. On the other hand the GOP are actually political rivals that could pose a longer term threat to him, but they’re also connected to powerful people that Trump would want to get on board, or at least keep from interfering. Other than keeping the public pacified I don’t see a longer term benefit to Trump from the Christian nationalists once he’s in power.

  • The channel name wasn’t changed, it’s still Fox News. They got in trouble for running opinion pieces in the middle of their news segments, and referring to some of their non-news people like Tucker Carlson as reporters and pieces they ran as news reports.

    It was all tied in with the Dominion lawsuit and related cases around that time where a big chunk of their defense basically boiled down to “those things were said for entertainment purposes and were clearly exaggerations and hyperbole, no sane person would believe insert blatant but typical Fox News bullshit here”.

    The plaintiff rightfully pointed out that if you present “opinions” alongside your so called news without clearly calling them out as opinions, many people (and pretty much every last regular Fox News viewer) will assume you’re making factual statements.

    Among other things, as part of the settlement Fox News also needs to have fact checkers present during their news segments to call them on their bullshit which has led to some hilarious clips lately where the muppets pretending to be reporters get absolutely demolished by the fact checker in real time.

  • supposedly simple enough for the average person to use

    That is in fact the result every time that claim is made about any product. That was the pitch for COBOL, so simple your business analysts can write it, no need for expensive programmers. That was the pitch for business rules engines. That was the pitch for dozens of drag and drop GUI based programming “languages”. Lastly that’s the pitch for any number of specialized tools that let you “script” them like WordPress.

    Not once in the hundreds of times those claims have been made have they ever been true. Every last time the only thing you end up with is a horrible programming language/framework that still requires programmer’s but makes the experience of working with it miserable for them.

  • orclev@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    Short answer is maybe. Long answer is it depends on which state you live in. So called At Will states effectively have no labor laws (well, there’s things like minimum wage, wage theft protections, worker safety, etc. but nothing around employment). In an At Will state you can be fired without notice and without any reason. In theory this is balanced by being able to quit at any time and without giving notice, but people aren’t exactly clamoring for the right to quit jobs without notice.