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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • Bullshit. I’ve never once commented in your community, but you banned me today, probably for downvoting the obnoxious, self-righteous memes that your sub periodically dumps in my feed. And surprise, surprise, now that you’ve banned this, “carnist rhetoric,” your downvote percentages don’t look so bad! You went from only getting 40% to 70% upvotes on posts to 80% to 90% in the last 8 hours. You’re not giving people a, “well deserved time out,” you’re gaming the numbers to manufacturing consent.

    The worst part is I actually defended you guys during the catfood debacle, saying that no matter what you thought of the content, the admins were way out of line to override your moderating decisions. If I’d known you were going to be as petty and manipulative as they were, I would have kept my mouth shut. On the bright side, your naked attempt to make your community look less unpopular is the best argument I’ve seen for anonymizing voting on Lemmy.

  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldto195@lemmy.worldRan into this over on Reddit
    19 days ago

    Prior to the latest violence, Gaza’s water supply was already unable to meet the World Health Organization’s minimum requirement for daily per capita water consumption.

    A 2020 study in the journal “Water” found the quality of the groundwater in the aquifer had “deteriorated rapidly,” in large part because it had been pumped out to meet the demands of Gaza’s large population quicker than it could be replaced by rainwater.

    The aquifer is also polluted by untreated wastewater, leaving 96.2% of household water from the aquifer undrinkable, according to a 2020 report from B’Tselem, the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.

    Most literate genocide denier.

  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldto195@lemmy.worldRan into this over on Reddit
    20 days ago

    OK, so let’s pretend that Hamas using human sheilds necessitates the killing of (at least, but probably more than) 40,000 people. I think that in most conflicts, when innocent hostages are. taken, the normal response isn’t to indiscriminately kill the hostages, but let’s ignore that for now.

    How does that Hamas using human shields make it necessary for Palestinians in Gaza to live without clean drinking water for a decade before October 7th? How do human shields make it necessary to torture (tortures which include beating, rape, and the use of restraints so tight they havd led to amputations) Palestinians in prison camps? How does it justify Israeli settlers seizing homes in the West Bank, a territory that isn’t even controlled by Hamas? Because it doesn’t really seem like, “Hamas is hiding among civilians, so it’s hard to target them without hitting civilian targets,” can possibly justify any of those things.

  • pjwestin@lemmy.worldto195@lemmy.worldRan into this over on Reddit
    20 days ago

    Yeah, I mean, it’s not like the Palestinians are having their homes and property systematically seized, or being forced into ghettos with brutal conditions akin to living in an open air prison, or being sent to torture camps, or being exterminating en masse. I mean, you’d have to be a real dumbfuck to think all of those things were happening right now.

  • I don’t know where my Dad got them, but they were pretty much all Apogee games, so he might have order them directly. I was really young, 4 or 5, so I didn’t really ask for them. My Dad would just install them for us and create directory shortcuts so we could load them easily. Part of how I learned to type and read was spelling out, “keen4” and either getting the game to load or, “Bad command or file name.”

  • Commander Keen: Marooned on Mars. My Dad had an IBM machine that booted up in DOS, and he installed a bunch of games on it for us. I played every Commander Keen game (including Keen Dreams), Wacky Wheels, Oregon Trail. Sim City, and Sim Ant on that machine (although I think I needed to boot up Windows to run those last two).