• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Women are not women and are not women or are not women or are not women or are not women or are not women or are not women or are are not women or are are not women or are are not women or are not female or female and are not female or female respectively and are not female or female respectively and are not female or female in any way related to gender or gender or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or gender or gender or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or race or or race or gender or race or gender or race race

  • When I switched it didn’t even have anything to do with the enshittification of Windows. I just thought it would be cool to try another OS. Pop_OS was really nice to use and this just so happened to be right around the time Proton was getting really good. I think the only game I was playing that didn’t work was Siege, and I ended up preferring using Linux to playing it.