Dodecahedron December

I try things on the internet.

rarely, shit just works.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Regulation is just enforcement of rules. We make rules to regulate parts of our country which are out of control. Inherently, regulation isn’t a bad thing. The problem is that money buys regulation, which means successful industries get to write their own rules. I’d say then that the problem is money in politics, but then there’s a bit of an issue: for a US party to be successful enough to be on the ballot, they need to raise enough funds. Money then goes to buy speech and therefore thoughts, hearts and minds. Most of AM radio in the US is paid for by right wing actors. Lots of successful right wing social media influencers moved to the right because the right pays more than the left. In the end, everyone needs money to survive and #yolo so might as well live comfortably. It’s understandable but not excusable in my opinion.

    I am assuming you’re a libertarian given your choice to moderate this community, but I might not be correct in that assumption. Would you mind explaining why you chose that philosophy (or if I’m wrong, then why choose whatever philosophy you choose)? I am curious what you mean by “draw their lines”, since we are talking ultimately about choosing a philosophy to be governed under. I am able bodied and have a good job, but this may not last forever. I cannot keep up with the rat race of capitalism forever, and I may end up with broken bones from an auto accident where I was not at fault, unemployed, reliant on social programs because my only other option is homelessness. I truly truly hope that if and when that time comes, the current governing philosophy will have not “drawn me outside of the lines” that they beleive in. This is my major gripe about libertarianism… just because you don’t need things now doesn’t mean you won’t later, and that people don’t need them now.

  • Its less about me talking to you and more me airing my grievences with the political philosophy in general. I find libertarianism to be a stepping stone philosophy usually taken on by people who are just getting into politics. It’s a nice idea, rought speaking that “people don’t deserve the social programs we are giving them, many abuse the system, and we are in debt and we must focus on building a viable economy by tackling debt and moving to make money represent something as it used to back when the US had the gold standard.” Unfortunately that philosophy takes a misstep out the gates with the assumption that social services aren’t needed, and the assumption that decreasing social services somehow makes it easier to run an economy. I find the whole philosophy to be taken up largely by folks who haven’t needed social programs themselves.

    I got the government to pay for 2 years of my schooling, through a dislocated worker program when I was laid off at my job. This allowed me to get a degree, which I used to get a 6 figure salary and now pay back in the form of property and income taxes. These taxes then go to fund other social programs which can sometimes create more tax revenue by lifting others out of poverty or otherwise making higher education more accessible. For what it’s worth, I vote democrat in the US because it’s the only viable option - a vote in any other direction, without grassroot support is a wasted vote. Ideally, I would vote for the party that most perfectly aligns with my values, but there is no party like this in the US, not at least one with a real chance of winning.

    Libertarianism also suffers from having a clear definition. I think the one I tried to give in this comment is in good faith but I recognize it is incomplete. You have libertarians who just don’t want to fund social programs ranging from libertarians who beleive all taxation is theft to libertarians who beleive that we should abolish drivers licenses. The best antidote to that would be common sense but this isn’t available as a political party, at least not in the US.

    Right now the best the US has to offer is the democratic party, and while it has more to offer non billionaires than the republican party, most leftists in the US (myself included) would rather vote for a truly leftist party, believing the democrats to be more center-right these days than the increasingly-far-right republican party. The overton window sure be sliding right.

    I am also not an anarchist, nor do I know much about anarchy. I do know it’s less structured tha. The beliefs held by libertarians but I don’t know if that says much.

  • What did I tell ya? Libertarians: ‘some gods, some masters’.

    Anyway I was just answering OPs question, sport!

    Brainless huh? Want to try addressing any of the points I raised or nah?


    Why delete the comment when you can let the marketplace of ideas decide?

    The answer is because the idea of libertarianism isn’t worth much.

    Baseless rant, sure if you don’t know the meaning of words. Probably reported by a libertarian.

    I kid! You wanna know something nice about libertarians? They always let you know who they are so you can have a chance to duck out of the conversation before the brain rot sets in. That’s swell!

  • Libertarianism is anarchy but with rules set forth by right-wing morons.

    Most libertarians would consider themselves “Fiscally irresponsible and socially retarded”.

    Anarchists on the other hand would say something like “no gods no masters”. For libertarians to match something like that, they would try but then break down and vote for Ron Paul.

    Anarchists accept the world around them. Libertarians try to return to the gold standard, despite gold not carrying much value any more. Libertarianism wants to make america great again, since Libertarianism at its heart is a right wing religion.

    People who claim to be libertarians are at a special place in life where they beleive the world can be changed for the better by giving everything to the ultra wealthy and leaving us to fend for scraps. Libertarianism isn’t a legit political science.

    This is just a TL;DR: for a better understanding of life as a libertarian, dig a hole and stick your head in it. After all, the only way to understand someone is to think like someone.

    Libertarians, upon breaking their bones and being unable to afford treatment respond with “that’s ok, it’s the free market!” When the last doctor in their area refuses to treat them because they didn’t make enough money. “Social programs are for losers!” The doctor nods and turns the libertarian out on the cold winter street. “The free market provides!” Mutters the libertarian.