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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • You made me remember! Yes, this was on a HUGE TV, probably 70", and that in a time when those were insanely expensive, had never seen one in a home. It was like the house walls in Fahrenheit 451.

    “Come look! The White Clown is talking!”

    An LSD party back in college taught me a thing I’ll never forget. There were 3 TVs in the living room and my best friend and I were tripping balls. He pulls me over to where I can see all 3 screens.

    He said, “Notice who the number of people watching is directly proportional to the size of the screen?”

    Mind. Blown.

  • less time exposed to the elements

    That’s my take. Convincing my little kids to at least bring a hat when we canoe or hike, like I’m torturing them. Last hike we got rained on, “Why you keep wiping your face like that? OH, bet you wish you had brought your new hat!”

    They’re cooking in the sun while I dip my hat in the river and slap it on. No problems here!

    My wife is far wiser. Despite being a city girl, like, never-been-in-the-woods-before city girl, she learned quick. We easily have 20 hats between us. And spares at camp, in the car, in the truck, everywhere.

  • I keep saying things like this on lemmy and catching hate.

    “Video games companies are fucking us!”

    “Have you considered not buying their games?”


    If I have a non-essential product, I’m selling it for every penny I can wrench out of the public (idiots). Hell, even with food you got options. I’m on the edge of a little redneck suburb and have 7 grocery stores within 10-miles. I vote with my wallet at the rundown places that are half the price of Publix. I won’t begrudge Publix’s ludicrous pricing, I just won’t go.

    Hey guys: If you are paying for this shit, you are the problem, not the system.

  • Yep, I lay the majority of our political insanity on Fox’s door. Look, we all know they’re the GOP’s propaganda arm, but how many of you have actually watched a good bit?

    I was stuck with a week of it during the Snowden revelations. In the space of an entire week, I didn’t hear a single word on what was worldwide news. Stunning, and I still can’t explain it, but it happened. Point being, a lot of the lies are in what they don’t say. Early afternoon of 01/06, not a blip on the website. (Which BTW, is far more sane than the TV version.) I checked the wayback machine and FOx reported nothing until hours after kick off. I presume they prayed it would blow over or at least die down. Imagine the spin control behind the scenes! Hell, even Tucker Carlson pleased with Trump to make a sane statement and cut it off.

    After hearing “Obama” thousands of times, over and over and over, I was sick of him! The whole time my friend’s step-mom was screaming at the screen, “The KKK ought to do their got damned JOB!” These people sat in their armchairs 24/7 (never saw them go to their bedroom), smoking weed and watching nothing but Fox. We tried to put on a movie or another show exactly twice and it promptly got switched back.

    One time I was stuck with Fox at the doctor’s office, some kind of round-table show going on. A metric showing black people doing better under the Obama administration came up, something about pay I think. One of the hosts slams his fist of the table and shouted, “Obama’s a RACIST!” Constantly listen to crap like that and you are, eventually, getting brainwashed.

  • Yeah, I don’t feel this is on the doctors. They’re overrun with work and are just trying to get through it. I was unable to find a single GP in my town that takes both insurance and new patients. My wife can’t find a heart doctor, no one is taking new patients.

    An anecdote that illustrates my point:

    Went to CVS one Sunday with what I had thought was a mild, post-surgery infection. Turned out it wasn’t, I merely overworked my hand, and was in fact healing up great! This young doctor, having no other patients, sat and shot the shit with me for nearly an hour. I learned so much about my current and past problems. He spoke casually, fielded questions unrelated to my current issue, treated me like an old friend. “The hell made you think kayaking was OK 6-days out of surgery?! Damn, man…” All because he had time to kill. Imagine that. (LOL, he have me antibiotics anyway, knowing I was losing my insurance and would bank them against future need.)